hedge | n 1. row of bushes, pagar /pokok renek, hidup/; (when the type is specified) pagar: a high ~ separated the two houses, pagar pokok renek yg tinggi memisahkan dua buah rumah itu; hibiscus ~, pagar pokok bunga raya; 2. (finance) lindung nilai: a wise investment can be a ~ against inflation, pelaburan yg bijak boleh menjadi lindung nilai utk mencegah inflasi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fence | n 1. wall-like structure, pagar: wire ~, pagar dawai; come down on one side of the ~, menyokong sebelah pihak; come down on the right side of the ~, berpihak kpd yg menang; mend o’s ~s, berdamai, berbaik-baik semula; /sit, be / on the ~, berkecuali, tdk /berpihak, memihak/ ke mana-mana; 2. (sl) receiver of stolen goods, tukang tadah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hurdle | n1. frame for jumping over or for temporary fencing, pagar (lompat): the first runner is over the last ~, pelari pertama telah melepasi pagar lompat yg terakhir; 2. (in pl), (sport) acara lompat pagar: he hopes to win the ~s, dia berharap akan memenangi acara lompat pagar; 3. (fig.) obstacle, halangan, rintangan: the interview on Monday is the final ~ that he must take, temu duga pd hari Isnin ini merupakan rintangan yg terakhir yg harus dihadapinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gate | n 1. doorlike structure in fence, wall, etc, a. (gen) pintu pagar: my backyard has a ~, kawasan belakang rumah saya berpintu pagar; b. (of railway) pagar (kereta api); c. (of walled city) pintu kota; d. (of palace, temple) pintu gerbang, gapura; e. (of canal, dam) pintu air; 2. numbered exit leading to aircraft, pintu: to board the aircraft from ~ 8, menaiki kapal terbang melalui pintu nombor 8; 3. mountain pass, genting; 4. total attendance at sporting events, jumlah penonton; 5. see GATE MONEY. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fencing | n 1. sword-play, (seni) bermain pedang; 2. a. material for construction of fences, bahan pagar; b. fences, pagar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jump | vt 1. leap over, melompati, meloncati: to ~ a hurdle, melompati pagar lompat; 2. cause to leap, melompatkan, meloncatkan: he ~ed the horse over the fence, dia melompatkan kuda itu melampaui pagar; 3. skip over, melangkaui: to ~ a chapter, melangkaui satu bab; 4. (colloq) pounce on, attack suddenly, menyerang: the thug ~ed him in the subway, penjahat itu menyerangnya di jalan bawah; 5. pass (red traffic-light) mendahului: he was fined for ~ing the red light, dia didenda krn mendahului lampu merah; 6. (of train) leave (track) tergelincir dr: a goods train ~ed the rails about ten kilometres from Gemas, kereta api barang tergelincir dr landasan lebih kurang sepuluh kilometer dr Gemas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hedgerow | n pagar /pokok renek, hidup/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hurdler | n pelari lompat pagar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gatepost | n tiang pintu pagar; between you and me and the ~, (colloq) sesama kita, antara kita berdua. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bamboo | n buluh, bambu: ~ fence, pagar buluh; ~ shoot, (pucuk) rebung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |