bar | n 1. rod (of iron, wood) batang (besi, kayu): iron ~, batang besi; 2. (of cage, window, gate, etc) jerjak, jeriji, jeruji, kisi-kisi; 3. wood, iron placed horizontally, palang: the high jump ~ was raised, palang lompat tinggi itu dinaikkan; the ~ of a door, palang pintu; horizontal ~s, palang mengufuk; parallel ~s, palang selari; 4. ingot, jongkong: gold ~s, jongkong emas; 5. (of chocolate) keping; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crossbar | n 1. (of goal post) palang gol; 2. (of bicycle) palang basikal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
griddle gridiron | n 1. (utensil) besi /pemanggang, penyalai/; 2. (theatr) palang besi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crown | vt 1. place crown on head of, (so as to invest with royal power, title) memahkotai [sso] sbg: they ~ed him King, mereka memahkotai baginda sbg Raja; she was ~ed Miss World, dia dimahkotai sbg Ratu Cantik Dunia; 2. top, cap, terdapat; (so as to cover) meliputi: the church spire was ~ed with a cross, terdapat palang di puncak menara gereja; a mountain ~ed with snow, puncak gunung diliputi salji; 3. bring to a happy conclusion, merupakan kemuncak: success ~ed his efforts, kejayaan merupakan kemuncak usahanya; a visit to the circus ~ed the children’s holiday, lawatan ke sarkas merupakan kemuncak percutian kanak-kanak itu; 4. put artificial crown on, menyalut: to ~ a tooth, menyalut gigi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
catch | n 1. act of catching, penangkapan, menangkap: an easy ~, penangkapan yg mudah; 2. st caught, tangkapan; 3. amount or number caught, tangkapan, banyaknya tangkapan: a good ~ of fish, tangkapan ikan yg banyak; 4. (colloq) so. worth marrying, calon /suami, isteri/ (yg baik); 5. (colloq) concealed drawback, ruse, muslihat: there must be a ~ in it somewhere, tentu ada sst muslihat; 6. device for fastening, a. (in the form of a bar) palang; (in the form of a latch) selak, penyelak; b. (in the form of a hook) kancing; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cross | adj angry, marah: his father is ~ with him, ayahnya marah padanya; give so. a ~ look, memandang sso dgn marah; have ~ words with so., bertengkar dgn sso; n 1. upright post with a bar intersecting it near the top, salib: a martyr who died on the ~, seorang martir yg mati di atas salib; 2. symbol of the Christian faith, salib; (on a chain), (loket) salib: she wore a gold ~ around her neck, dia memakai salib emas di lehernya; 3. also sign of the ~, tanda salib: to make the sign of the ~, membuat isyarat tanda salib; 4. cross-shaped mark, (tanda) palang; (in the form of an ‘X’) tanda pangkah: a blue ~ on a white background, palang biru berlatarbelakangkan warna putih; there were more ~es than ticks on his examination paper, terdapat lebih banyak tanda pangkah drpd tanda rait pd kertas peperiksaannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |