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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

foremostadj 1. most important, terutama, terpenting: he is the ~ authority on the law, dia ahli yg terpenting dlm bidang undang-undang; 2. nearest the front, paling depan: the ~ cabin on the ship, kabin paling depan atas kapal itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
favourdo so. a ~, menolong sso; find ~ in the eyes of, find ~ with, disukai: even his best efforts could find no ~ in the eyes of the French teacher, usahanya yg paling baik pun tdk disukai oleh guru bahasa Perancis itu; in ~, disenangi, disukai, disayangi; in ~ of, a. in support of, menyokong: the committee was in ~ of a postponement, jawatankuasa menyokong penangguhan itu; b. in the name of, atas nama: the cheque should be drawn in ~ of the treasurer, cek hendaklah dikeluarkan atas nama bendahari; c. to give opportunity to, utk memberikan peluang kpd: he withdrew his nomination in ~ of his brother, dia menarik balik pencalonannya utk memberikan peluang kpd abangnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inhe’s ~ hospital with a broken collar bone, dia di hospital krn tulang selangkanya patah; he’s ~ jail for embezzling money, dia dalam penjara krn menggelapkan wang; you’ll find him ~ the dark-room, developing some film, kamu boleh menemuinya di dalam bilik gelap, dia sedang mencuci gambar; b. within, not beyond limits (of space not contained by depth, height) di; (of bed, chair, etc) di (atas): a murder ~ the park, pembunuhan di taman; they are swimming ~ the sea, mereka sedang berenang di laut; birds flying ~ the sky, burung berterbangan di udara; what is the longest river ~ the world?, sungai manakah yg paling panjang di dunia?; ~ the country, di desa; she saw a face ~ the window, dia ternampak muka di tingkap; he’s lying ~ bed, dia sedang berbaring di katil;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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