best | n 1. that which is most excellent, yg /terbaik, paling baik, baik sekali/: the ~ that money can buy, yg paling baik yg dapat dibeli; to him the ~ may not be good enough, baginya yg terbaik itu mungkin belum memadai; I want the ~, saya mahu yg paling baik sekali; 2.maximum effort, yg terdaya: the ~ he can put in is 12 hours a day, yg dia terdaya bekerja ialah 12 jam sehari; 3. the best person(s), yg terbaik sekali: even the ~ can make mistakes, yg terbaik sekali pun mungkin membuat kesilapan; 4. also Sunday best, (o’s) best clothes, pakaian [sso] yg /terbaik, paling elok, paling cantik/: the ladies were wearing their Sunday~, wanita-wanita itu memakai pakaian mereka yg paling cantik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
land | 6. country, nation, negeri, negara; (o’s own) tanah: the best hospital in the ~, hospital yg paling baik di negeri itu; my native ~, tanah tumpah darahku; 7. the ~, a. (used for farming) ladang: generations of his family have worked the ~, beberapa generasi drpd keluarganya telah mengerjakan ladang itu; b. (rural areas) desa, luar bandar: he loves life on the ~, dia suka akan kehidupan di luar bandar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ideal | adj 1. conceived as perfect, unggul, ideal: in an ~ society, poverty would not exist, dlm masyarakat yg ideal, kemiskinan tdk akan wujud; 2. excellent, paling /baik, sesuai/: the ~ spot for a picnic, tempat yg paling sesuai utk berkelah; ~ weather for a holiday, cuaca yg paling baik utk bercuti; 3. highly desirable, (menjadi) /impian, idaman/: the ~ husband, suami idaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
best | adv (superl of WELL) 1. most, paling: I like coffee ~, saya paling suka akan kopi; the ~ loved character in the play, watak yg paling disukai dlm drama itu; the ~ known painting by Picasso, lukisan Picasso yg paling terkenal; 2. most usefully, to the most advantage, benefit, etc, sebaik-baiknya, paling baik: the past is ~ forgotten, yg sudah-sudah itu sebaik-baiknya dilupakan sahaja; 3. most excellently, paling baik: he works ~ in the morning, dia bekerja paling baik pd waktu pagi; ~-dressed, berpakaian paling menarik: the ~-dressed woman at the ball, wanita yg berpakaian paling menarik di majlis tari-menari itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
favour | do so. a ~, menolong sso; find ~ in the eyes of, find ~ with, disukai: even his best efforts could find no ~ in the eyes of the French teacher, usahanya yg paling baik pun tdk disukai oleh guru bahasa Perancis itu; in ~, disenangi, disukai, disayangi; in ~ of, a. in support of, menyokong: the committee was in ~ of a postponement, jawatankuasa menyokong penangguhan itu; b. in the name of, atas nama: the cheque should be drawn in ~ of the treasurer, cek hendaklah dikeluarkan atas nama bendahari; c. to give opportunity to, utk memberikan peluang kpd: he withdrew his nomination in ~ of his brother, dia menarik balik pencalonannya utk memberikan peluang kpd abangnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buy | n belian; /good, bad/ ~, belian yg /baik, merugikan/: Cannon bed sheets were among the best ~s, cadar Cannon adalah antara belian yg paling baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
argue | ~ about, berdebat ttg, memperdebatkan, mendebatkan: they usually ~ about politics, mereka selalu berdebat ttg politik; let us not ~ about which method is the best, tdk usahlah kita berdebat ttg kaedah mana yg paling baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | not ~ there, slightly crazy (colloq) tiga suku, otak miring: he’s not ~ there, dia tiga suku; of ~ (foll superl adj), [not translated]: this film is the best of ~, filem inilah yg paling baik; of ~ /people, things, etc/, pula: why does he want to mend his bicycle in the bathroom of ~ places?, mengapa di bilik air pula dia hendak membaiki basikalnya?; it was my mother, of ~ people!, ibu pula (yg datang)!; once and for ~, a. forever, utk selama-lamanya; b. for the last time, utk kali yg terakhir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
best | the ~ part of, sebahagian besar (drpd); (rel to time) hampir: he ate the ~ part of the chicken, dimakannya sebahagian besar drpd ayam itu; the ~ part of a journey, sebahagian besar perjalanan; he hasn’t seen her for the ~ part of a week, hampir seminggu dia tdk berjumpa dengannya; the ~ part of an hour, hampir sejam; the ~ thing to do, yg paling baik dilakukan; the ~ way, cara yg /paling baik, sebaik-baiknya/; make the ~ use of st, menggunakan sst sebaik-baiknya; put o’s ~ foot forward, berusaha /sebaik-baiknya, sedaya upaya/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
best | (all) for the ~, a. with good intentions, dgn /niat, tujuan/ baik; b. desirable in the end, rupa-rupanya mendatangkan kebaikan akhirnya; all the ~, selamat /sejahtera, maju jaya/; at ~, paling + approp adj: at ~ we can finish the project at the end of next year, paling cepat kami dapat menyelesaikan projek ini pd akhir tahun hadapan; pd /puncaknya, tahap kecemerlangannya/; at o’s ~, paling /bagus, baik/; at the ~ of times, dlm keadaan yg paling baik; do o’s (level) ~, /berusaha, mencuba/ /seboleh-bolehnya, sedapat-dapatnya/; /get, have/ the ~ of (it) mendapat /kemenangan, kejayaan/, menang: he had the ~ of the fight with his opponent, dia mendapat kemenangan dlm pertarungan dgn lawannya; the Trade Union was having the ~ of it in the dispute, Kesatuan Sekerja mendapat kemenangan dlm pertikaian itu; make the ~ of, /mengambil manfaat dr, memanfaatkan/ [sst] dgn sebaik-baiknya: to make the ~ of o’s opportunities, mengambil manfaat dr kesempatan yg ada dgn sebaik-baiknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |