crowning | adj paling besar: the ~ success, kejayaan yg paling besar; ~ glory, puncak kejayaan; (of hair) mahkota. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
egregious | adj (fml) flagrant, outstandingly bad, betul-betul; (of lie, mistake) besar: once again he displayed his ~ incompetence, sekali lagi dia menunjukkan bahawa dia betul-betul tdk cekap; Peter is an ~ ass, Peter betul-betul bodoh; Chamberlain’s most ~ mistake was to underrate Hitler’s ambition, kesilapan Chamberlain yg paling besar ialah memperkecil cita-cita Hitler; his claim to have the President’s ear is nothing but an ~ lie, dakwaannya bahawa Presiden mendengar cakapnya ialah bohong besar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
away | e. far removed from, jauh dr: a little house in the country ~ from the bustle of city life, rumah kecil di desa, jauh dr kesibukan kota; he sat near the window, ~ from his ex-wife, dia duduk dekat tingkap, jauh dr bekas isterinya; ~ with you, pergi, nyah engkau; ~ with /him, them, etc/, bawa /dia, mereka, dsb/ pergi; /far, out/ and ~, a. (preceding compar) jauh lebih: they are both brilliant, but Salleh is far and ~ the more brilliant of the two, mereka kedua-duanya pandai tetapi antara kedua-duanya itu, Salleh jauh lebih pandai; b. (preceding superl), [not translated]: Malaysia is far and ~ the world’s biggest producer of natural rubber, Malaysia ialah pengeluar getah asli yg paling besar di dunia; miles ~, (fig.) day-dreaming, sedang /melamun, mengelamun, berkhayal/; /right, straight/ ~, sekarang juga; (promptly), (dgn) segera, dgn serta-merta, cepat-cepat: I’ll go right ~, saya pergi sekarang juga; you must tell me straight ~ if you feel ill, kamu mesti memberitahu saya dgn segera jika kamu berasa kurang sihat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
best | the ~ part of, sebahagian besar (drpd); (rel to time) hampir: he ate the ~ part of the chicken, dimakannya sebahagian besar drpd ayam itu; the ~ part of a journey, sebahagian besar perjalanan; he hasn’t seen her for the ~ part of a week, hampir seminggu dia tdk berjumpa dengannya; the ~ part of an hour, hampir sejam; the ~ thing to do, yg paling baik dilakukan; the ~ way, cara yg /paling baik, sebaik-baiknya/; make the ~ use of st, menggunakan sst sebaik-baiknya; put o’s ~ foot forward, berusaha /sebaik-baiknya, sedaya upaya/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
above | ~ all (else), (yg) terutama, terpenting, yg paling /utama, penting/: he was a writer, a politician and ~ all a good father, dia penulis, ahli politik dan yg terutamanya dia bapa yg baik; ~ and beyond, (rhet) lebih (besar) drpd: his contributions to the country were ~ and beyond what was expected, sumbangannya kpd negara lebih besar drpd yg dijangka; ~ ground, masih hidup; /be, get, rise/ ~ os, besar kepala: you had better do something about that boy, he’s getting ~ himself, kamu patut berbuat sesuatu utk menasihati budak itu, dia sudah mula besar kepala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arch | - pref 1. chief, [various translations]: ~angel, penghulu malaikat; ~bishop, ketua biskop; ~priest, paderi besar; 2. extremely bad, worst of, [various translations]: ~enemy, musuh ketat; ~liar, pendusta besar; ~ scoundrel, betul-betul bangsat; ~tyrant,pemerintah zalim yg paling dahsyat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imaginable | adj (one can possibly imagine) dapat dibayangkan; (one can possibly think of) dapat difikirkan: the richest man ~, orang yg paling aya yg dapat dibayangkan; there is no ~ reason why he should say such a thing, tdk ada sebab yg dapat difikirkan mengapa dia patut berkata begitu; they lived in the biggest house ~, mereka tinggal dlm rumah yg sangat besar yg dapat dibayangkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hit | 7. find what is sought, menjumpai, menemui: the drillers finally ~ oil, penggerudi-penggerudi itu akhirnya menjumpai minyak; 8. arrive at, sampai ke: we were lost for an hour before we ~ the main road, kami sesat selama sejam sebelum sampai ke jalan besar; 9. reach, mencapai; (a low point) jatuh ke: this car can ~ a speed of 150 kph, kereta ini boleh mencapai had laju 150 kmsj; the price of oil ~ an all-time low, harga minyak jatuh ke paras yg paling rendah; 10. appear in or on, a. (of product) muncul: there was a rush for the product when it first ~ the market, orang berebut-rebut utk mendapatkan keluaran itu apabila keluaran berkenaan pertama kali muncul di pasaran; b. (of news) tersiar: the story ~ the front pages in all the local newspapers, cerita itu tersiar di muka depan semua akhbar tempatan; c. (of magazine, newspaper) mula dijual; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attraction | n 1. action, power of attracting, tarikan: magnetic ~, tarikan magnet; the ~ of gravity, tarikan graviti; the old house held a powerful ~ for him, rumah lama itu mempunyai tarikan yg kuat baginya; he cannot resist the ~ of a pretty girl, dia tdk dapat melawan tarikan gadis yg cantik; 2. (usu in pl) personal charm, daya /penarik, tarikan/: her ~s were numerous, daya penariknya berbagai-bagai; 3. st that attracts, tarikan, (approp n +) menarik: the ~s of a big city, tarikan bandar raya besar; perhaps her greatest ~ was her lovely smile, barangkali yg paling menarik ttg dirinya ialah senyumannya yg manis; 4. so. that attracts, arikan: the newly crowned Miss Universe was the main ~ at the ball, Ratu Dunia yg baru dimahkotai merupakan tarikan utama di majlis tari-menari itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |