kingpin | n 1. (person) orang yg paling penting; (pejorative) kepala, ketua: the ~ of the tin-mining industry, orang yg paling penting dlm perindustrian bijih timah; ~ of the gambling ring, kepala kumpulan judi; 2. ( | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
before | ~ /all, everything / else, terutama sekali, pertama sekali, (yg) paling penting; ~ Christ, sebelum Masihi; ~ God, demi Tuhan; ~ long, a. (in relation to a certain point of time in the past) tdk lama /kemudian, antaranya/; b. (in relation to a certain point of time in the future) tdk lama /lagi, selepas ini/: you’ll regret your choice ~ long, kamu akan menyesal dgn pilihanmu tdk lama lagi; c. (in relation to the time of making statement) tdk lama lagi; the day ~ yesterday, kelmarin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
last 1 | ~ - mentioned, yg terakhir disebut: of all the points I have made, the ~ mentioned is the most important, drpd kesemua perkara yg telah saya sebutkan, perkara yg terakhir disebut adalah yg paling penting; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assignment | n 1. task or mission assigned, tugas khas; (to college or university students etc) tugasan: his most important ~ was to cover the war in the Middle East, tugas khasnya yg paling penting ialah membuat liputan ttg peperangan di Timur Tengah; she set her students too many ~s, dia memberikan tugasan yg terlalu banyak kpd penuntutnya; 2. position, post assigned to person, jawatan: to take up an ~, mula memegang jawatan; 3. act of, a. (appointing) penugasan: his ~ to the case did not meet with universal approval, penugasannya kpd kes itu tdk mendapat persetujuan ramai; b. (allotting task, problem, etc) pemberian, penyerahan; c. (alleging st as reason, cause) mengatakan; d. (leg.) transfer of claim, right, etc, penyerahan hak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
above | ~ all (else), (yg) terutama, terpenting, yg paling /utama, penting/: he was a writer, a politician and ~ all a good father, dia penulis, ahli politik dan yg terutamanya dia bapa yg baik; ~ and beyond, (rhet) lebih (besar) drpd: his contributions to the country were ~ and beyond what was expected, sumbangannya kpd negara lebih besar drpd yg dijangka; ~ ground, masih hidup; /be, get, rise/ ~ os, besar kepala: you had better do something about that boy, he’s getting ~ himself, kamu patut berbuat sesuatu utk menasihati budak itu, dia sudah mula besar kepala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extreme | adj 1. of the highest degree, [n] amat sangat, /amat, sangat/ [adj ]; (of penalty) paling /berat, teruk/: these aborigines are neglected and live in ~ poverty, orang-orang asli ini diabaikan dan hidup dlm keadaan miskin yg amat sangat; ~ cold, keadaan sejuk yg amat sangat; she showed ~ patience in handling the situation, dia menunjukkan kesabaran yg amat sangat semasa mengendalikan situasi itu; his presence is of ~ importance, kehadirannya amat penting; the ~ penalty of the law in the country is capital punishment, hukuman yg paling berat di negara itu ialah hukuman bunuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bar | prep 1. except for, kecuali: the deal has been finalized ~ a few unimportant details, urusan itu telah diselesaikan kecuali beberapa perincian yg tdk penting; 2. unless there is, jika tdk ada, kecuali berlaku: the meeting will be held tomorrow ~ any change of plan, jika tdk ada perubahan rancangan, mesyuarat itu akan berlangsung esok; ~ none, tiada yg setanding dengannya: he is the most popular singer in the country, ~ none, dia penyanyi yg paling disukai ramai di negeri ini, tiada yg setanding dengannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |