hot | adv 1. at a high temperature, panas: glowing ~ coal, arang yg panas membara; 2. while hot, panas-panas, hangat-hangat: to serve the rice ~, menghidangkan nasi itu panas-panas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot | adj 1. of, having relatively high temperature, panas, hangat: ~ day, hari yg panas; ~ water, air panas; ~ iron, besi hangat; the oven is not ~ enough, ketuhar itu tdk cukup panas; her forehead was ~, dahinya panas; ~ and tired, she lagged behind the other runners, oleh sebab panas dan letih, dia ketinggalan di belakang pelari-pelari lain; 2. producing burning sensation on tongue, pedas: ~ curries, kari yg pedas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
broiling | adj panas terik; (of heat) amat panas: in this ~ weather, dlm cuaca yg panas terik ini; under the ~ sun, di bawah cahaya matahari yg panas terik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bake | adj (preceding a n) panas membahang; (preceding an adj) membahang: they ran the marathon in ~ temperatures, mereka berlari dlm maraton itu dlm panas bahang; the day was ~ hot, cuaca hari itu panas membahang; the ~ sun, matahari yg panas terik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heat | ~ - proof, ~ - resistant, tahan panas; in the ~ of, (fig.) dlm suasana /panas, hangat/: in the ~ of the argument he called me a bastard, dlm suasana panas pertengkaran itu, dia memanggil saya bangsat; in the ~ of the moment, when extremely but temporarily angered, dlm keadaan terlampau marah: his father hit him in the ~ of the moment, dlm keadaan terlampau marah, bapanya memukulnya; on ~, (US) in ~, berahi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot | 3. angry, panas (hati): don’t get ~ over a silly argument, jangan naik panas krn pertengkaran bodoh itu; 4. excited, ardent, panas (berahi); 5. sexually exciting, seks yg hangat: they’ve cut out the ~test scenes in the film, mereka telah memotong adegan-adegan seks yg paling hangat dlm filem itu; 6. exciting, intense, hangat: the ~test part of the campaign, waktu yg paling hangat kempen itu; the battle for custody of the child grew ~ter, perebutan utk mendapatkan hak penjagaan kanak-kanak itu bertambah hangat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boiling | adv (colloq); ~ hot, a. (of food, drink, vessel, etc) panas sekali: be careful, the potatoes are ~ hot, hati-hati, ubi kentang itu panas sekali; b. ( of sun, weather ) panas terik: a ~ hot day, hari yg panas terik; ~ mad, marah /betul, sekali/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heated | adj 1. become warm or hot, menjadi panas; 2. excited, impassioned, hangat; (of person) panas: a ~ argument, pertengkaran hangat; she gets very ~ whenever the subject is brought up, dia naik panas setiap kali perkara itu di timbulkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boiling | adj scorching, panas terik: under a ~ sun, di bawah matahari yg panas terik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fevered | adj 1. panas: his ~ brow, dahinya yg panas; 2. (fig.) meracau, cacau: ~ imagination, imaginasi yg meracau. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |