jet1 | n 1. fast strong stream (of liquid, gas, etc) pancutan: a ~ of flame, pancutan api; a ~ of water, pancutan air; 2. nozzle, jet, muncung: gas ~, jet gas; 3. jet plane, kapal terbang jet; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fountain | n 1. ornamental structure producing jets of water, air pancut; 2. jet (of water etc) pancutan: a ~ of blood gushed from the wound in his neck, pancutan darah menyembur dr luka di lehernya; 3. (liter.) source, sumber: the ~ of justice, sumber keadilan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ejecta | n pancutan (gunung berapi). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
geyser | n hot spring, geiser, pancutan air panas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jet1 | vt memancutkan: the fountain ~s water ten feet into the air, pancutan itu memancutkan air setinggi sepuluh kaki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ejaculation | n 1. exclamation, seruan; 2. discharge of semen, pancutan mani. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
continuous | adj 1. perpetual, berterusan: the brain needs a ~ supply of blood, otak memerlukan bekalan darah yg berterusan; a ~ jet of water, pancutan air yg berterusan; 2. (phys) selanjar: ~ spectrum, spektrum selanjar; ~ function, fungsi selanjar; ~ beam, alur selanjar; 3. (gram.) berlanjutan: future ~ tense, kala depan berlanjutan; past ~ tense, kala lampau berlanjutan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gush | n 1. a. sudden, copious emission, pancaran, pancuran; (of tears) hamburan, cucuran: a ~ of oil from the well, pancaran minyak dr telaga; b. spout (of liquid) pancutan;2. sudden outburst or outpouring, ledakan: a ~ of anger, ledakan kemarahan; a ~ of enthusiasm, ledakan keghairahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
column | n 1. upright pillar, tiang: the ~s supporting the roof, tiang-tiang yg menyokong bumbung; Nelson’s ~, tiang Nelson; 2. any column-shaped object or mass, a. (of smoke etc) kepulan, gumpalan; b. (of water) pancutan, memancut: a ~ of water shot up from the ground, pancutan air dr tanah; c. (the steering column) turus roda kemudi; 3. (journ) regular article, feature, ruang: gossip ~, ruang desas-desus; 4. a vertical row or list, lajur: write the figures in the ~s provided, tulis angka-angka di dalam lajur yg disediakan; 5. line of ships, people, etc following one another, jajaran: a ~ of soldiers, jajaran askar; a ~ of ants, jajaran semut; 6. (bot) turus. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bubble | vi 1. form bubbles, berbuih, berbusa; (of boiling liquid) menggelegak, mendidih: the Coke ~d as I poured it into the glass, minuman Coke itu berbuih apabila saya menuangnya ke dlm gelas; the soup was bubbling on the stove, sup itu sedang menggelegak di atas dapur; 2. flow, move with a gurgling sound, membobok, membuak, membual, menggelobok: the water ~d through the sand, air itu membobok dr dlm pasir; the sound of a fountain bubbling in the distance, bunyi pancutan air membobok di kejauhan; gases bubbling from the mud, gas-gas yg membuak dr dlm lumpur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |