Maklumat Kata

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panel (kata nama,)
Bahasa Asal :Inggeris
1. Bersinonim dengan kumpulan: ahli wawancara, ahli majlis,

2. Bersinonim dengan jawatankuasa: majlis, panitia, kelompok, sidang.,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

launch 1 ~ into, mula + approp v: the panel ~ed into a heated debate, ahli-ahli panel itu mula berdebat dgn hangatnya; ~ so. into, menceburkan sso dlm: her inheritance enabled her to ~ herself into a career in advertising, harta peninggalan itu membolehkannya menceburkan diri dlm kerjaya pengiklanan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
controln 1. power, kuasa: the area is under the ~ of rebels, kawasan itu di bawah kuasa pemberontak; 2. means of regulating, restraining, kawalan: parental ~, kawalan ibu bapa; ~ of traffic, kawalan lalu lintas; ~ on imports, kawalan thdp import; good voice ~, kawalan suara yg baik; 3. self-restraint, mengawal diri; 4. (usu in pl) device by which a machine etc is operated, alat kawalan: the ~s are simple to operate, alat kawalan itu mudah dikendalikan; ~ panel, panel kawalan; ~ box, kotak kawalan; 5. standard of comparison used in experiment etc, kawalan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
instrumentn 1. tool, alat; (a group of this) peralatan, alat-alat: surgical ~s, peralatan pembedahan; 2. object for producing musical sound, alat muzik; (used with modifier) alat: besides the guitar, he plays two other ~s, selain gitar, dia dapat memainkan dua alat muzik lain; the oboe is a wind ~, oboe ialah alat tiup; 3. measuring device, alatan: the pilot studied the panel of ~s, juruterbang itu merenung panel alatan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
judgen 1. public officer with power to make decisions, hear cases in court of law, hakim: a Supreme Court ~, hakim Mahkamah Agung; appear before a ~, dihadapkan ke mahkamah; 2. person who decides, a. (in contest, competition) pengadil, hakim: a panel of ~s, jemaah pengadil; b. (in dispute) hakim; 3. person qualified to give valuable opinion, (orang yg) pandai menilai: a good ~ of horses, seorang yg pandai menilai kuda; he liked the film, but he was no ~, dia suka filem itu, tetapi dia tdk pandai menilai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
apronn 1. protective garment, apron; tied to so’s ~ strings, (colloq) mengikut telunjuk sso; 2. st resembling apron, a. forestage, bahagian hadapan pentas; b. hard-surfaced area abutting on airfield, apron; c. protective covering for machines etc, apron, lapis lindung; d. protective shield along river bank, sea wall, etc, apron, lapis lindung; e. panel, board between window sill and skirting, rembat; f. (geol) deposit of sand, gravel, etc, tebaran; 3. continuous conveyor belt, apron.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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