firm1 | 3. compact, padat: the soil around the base of the tree should be ~, tanah di keliling pangkal pokok itu seharusnya padat; 4. strong, forceful, erat: I kept a ~ hold of my daughter’s hand as we crossed the busy street, saya memegang tangan anak saya erat-erat semasa kami melintasi jalan yg sibuk itu; she felt safe in his ~ embrace, dia berasa selamat dlm pelukannya yg erat; 5. not changing, definite, (of decision, offer) muktamad, tegas; (of appointment etc) muktamad, tetap; (of opinion, belief, etc) tegas, kukuh, teguh; (of news, data, etc) kukuh: we received a polite but ~ refusal, kami menerima penolakan yg sopan tetapi tegas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
firm1 | vt 1. make compact, memadatkan: he ~ed the soil around the roots, dia memadatkan tanah di keliling pangkal pokok; 2. also ~ up, make firmer, a. (agreement, contract, etc) mengukuhkan; b. (muscles) memejalkan: an exercise that will ~ the stomach muscles, senaman yg akan memejalkan otot perut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incised | adj 1. cut into, engraved, ditoreh; (med) dibuat insisi; 2. made by engraving, tergores: the ~ initials on the tree trunk, pangkal nama yg tergores pd batang pokok. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |