fast1 | adj 1. >quick, quick-moving, swift, a. (of person) cepat, pantas, deras: a ~ runner, pelari yg pantas; a ~ reader, pembaca yg pantas; b. (of animal) tangkas, pantas: a ~ horse, kuda yg pantas; c. (of vehicle) laju, deras: a ~ train, kereta api yg laju; a ~ car, kereta yg laju; d. (of mus) rancak; 2. accomplished in a short time, (dgn) /cepat, pantas/: that was ~ work!, cepat kamu bekerja!; 3. of short duration, singkat; (of journey) memakan /waktu, masa/ yg singkat: a ~ visit, lawatan yg singkat; 4. (of watch, clock) cepat: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jab | n 1. quick, straight punch, tumbukan yg pantas: a powerful left ~, tumbukan yg pantas dan kuat dgn tangan kiri; 2. ( colloq) injection, suntikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brisk | adj 1. quick and active, lively, a. (of person) cergas: a ~ old lady, seorang wanita tua yg cergas; b. (of walk, pace, etc) pantas: they went for a ~ walk, mereka berjalan-jalan dgn pantas; they set off at a ~ pace, mereka membuka langkah pantas; c. (of trade, sales, etc) cergas, giat: trading was ~ on the stock exchange, perdagangan di bursa saham cergas; a ~ demand for cotton goods, permintaan cergas utk barang-barang kapas; 2. sharp and stimulating, invigorating, menyegarkan: ~ weather, cuaca yg menyegarkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fast1 | adv 1. quickly, a. (rel to manner of walking, running, etc), (dgn) /cepat, laju, pantas, deras/; b. (rel to manner of driving etc), (dgn) /laju, cepat, deras/; c. (rel to manner of speaking etc), (dgn) cepat, pantas, laju; d. (rel to manner of acting, doing st, etc), (dgn) cepat: you have to act ~, kamu mesti bertindak cepat; 2. heavily, in rapid succession, a. (of rain, snow, etc), (dgn) /lebat, lebatnya, deras/; b. (of tears) bercucuran; 3. tightly, rapat(-rapat): his eyes were ~ shut, matanya tertutup dgn rapat; 4. in a dissipated way, (dgn) berfoya-foya: live ~, hidup (dgn) berfoya-foya; 5. soundly, dgn /nyenyaknya, lenanya/: the baby was ~ asleep, bayi itu tidur dgn nyenyaknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flit | vi 1. a. fly quickly, terbang: a butterfly ~ted past her, seekor kupu-kupu terbang melewatinya; b. move swiftly, bergerak pantas; (of clouds) berarak cepat: the waiters ~ted from table to table, pelayan-pelayan itu bergerak pantas dr meja ke meja; clouds ~ting across the sky, awan berarak cepat di langit; 2. pass quickly, fleet, terkilat, terlintas, terkilas; (of facial expression) terkilat, terbayang: memories of Stratford ~ted through her mind, kenangan di Stratford terlintas di fikirannya; a bitter smile ~ted across her face, senyum pahit terkilat di wajahnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gallop | vi 1. (of horse) move, ride at a gallop, menderap, mencongklang: the horse ~ed across the field, kuda itu menderap melintasi padang; 2. ride at a gallop, menderapkan kuda: the huntsman ~ed through the woods, pemburu-pemburu itu menderapkan kuda merentasi hutan; 3. hurry, approp v + dgn /pantas, cepat/: the children ~ped down the slope towards the lake, kanak-kanak itu berlari dgn pantas menuruni cerun menuju ke tasik; he usually ~s through his homework, biasanya dia membuat kerja rumahnya dgn pantas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fast1 | my watch is ten minutes ~, jam saya cepat sepuluh minit; 5. (old-fashioned) given to seeking pleasure and excitement, suka berfoya-foya: a ~ set of people, sekumpulan manusia yg suka berfoya-foya; 6. firmly fixed, approp v + (dgn) /kukuh, teguh/: the post is ~ in the ground, tiang itu tertanam dgn kukuh dlm tanah; 7. steady, close, karib, rapat: ~ friends, kawan karib; 8. unfading, kekal, tdk luntur: ~ colour, warna yg tdk luntur; 9. (photog) pantas: a ~ film, filem pantas; 10. (cricket) delivering ball rapidly, deras: ~ bowler, pembaling deras; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dive | ~ into, a. see vi (sense 1.); b. move quickly into (st) menyelinap ke dlm: the rabbit ~d into its hole, arnab itu menyelinap ke dlm lubangnya; c. plunge hand quickly into (st), menyeluk pantas: I ~d into my pocket for some change, saya menyeluk pantas saku saya utk mengambil wang kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flash | vi 1. a. emit light suddenly, memancar, berdenyar; (of lightning) mengilat, memancar, berdenyar: the beacon ~ed once every twenty seconds, suar itu memancar sekali setiap dua puluh saat; lightning ~ed across the sky, kilat mengilat di langit; b. reflect light, mengilap, mengilat, berkilat, memancar: he pounced, the knife ~ing in his hand, dia menerkam, pisau berkilat-kilat di tangannya; c. (of eyes) bersinar: Kim’s eyes ~ed with sudden anger, mata Kim bersinar krn tiba-tiba marah; 2. move swiftly, approp v + secepat kilat; (of time) berlalu dgn /pantas, cepat/: the speeding car ~ed past, kereta yg laju itu meluncur lalu secepat kilat; time ~ed by, waktu berlalu dgn pantas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |