dragonfly | n pepatung, (belalang) patung, sesibur, sibur-sibur, patung-patung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deface | vt merosakkan, mencacati: ancient statues ~d by poor restoration work, patung-patung purbakala yg dirosakkan oleh kerja pemulihan yg tdk sempurna; the weather had ~d the inscription, cuaca telah mencacati inskripsi itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chisel | vt cut, shape with chisel, memahat: to ~ statues out of marble, memahat patung-patung drpd batu marmar; to ~ wood, memahat kayu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
iridescent | adj berwarna-warni; (tech) iridesen: the ~ wings of the dragon-flies, sayap patung-patung yg berwarna-warni. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
carved | adj 1. fashioned by cutting, chiselling, etc, diukir: ~ wooden figures, patung-patung kayu yg diukir; 2. adorned with cut design etc, berukir, dihiasi ukiran: a ~ screen, adang-adang yg berukir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
animate | 5. put to action , menghidupkan, menggerak-gerakkan: her nimble fingers ~d the puppets , jari-jarinya yg tangkas menghidupkan patung-patung itu; 6. (cinemat) menganimasikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
facade | n 1. (of building) muka (bangunan): the ~ is embellished with stone figures, muka bangunan itu dihias dgn patung-patung batu; 2. outward appearance, (pd) zahirnya; (pejorative) topeng: her calmness was only a ~, ketenangannya itu hanya pd zahirnya sahaja; behind a ~ of friendliness, di sebalik topeng kemesraan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dummy | n 1. (model of person or animal) patung; (puppet) patung, boneka: all the dummies in the shop window were stolen, semua patung dlm jendela kedai itu dicuri; for target practice, they were required to shoot down dummies, semasa latihan sasaran mereka dikehendaki menembak patung; the ventriloquist uses two dummies for his act, ventrilokis itu menggunakan dua boneka utk persembahannya; 2. object made to look similar to the real thing, (approp n) palsu: the wedding cakes on display are all dummies, kek pengantin yg dipamerkan semuanya kek palsu; the first drawer is actually a ~, laci yg pertama itu sebenarnya palsu; 3. (UK) rubber teat for babies, puting (getah); 4. (US), (colloq) stupid person, (orang yg) /bodoh, tolol/; 5. (printing) dami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
credit | ~ st to, a. see vt (sense 2.); b. attribute to, i. (of a quality) menganggap [sst] terdapat pd: magical powers were ~ed to the idols, kuasa ghaib dianggap terdapat pd patung-patung itu; ii. (of an action, deed) menganggap [sst] dilakukan oleh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effigy | n 1. dummy, patung; burn so. in ~,> membakar patung sso; 2. sculptured image, patung ukiran: a stone ~ of Churchill, patung ukiran batu Churchill. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |