chapped | adj sore and cracked, pecah-pecah: ~ hands, tangan yg pecah-pecah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chap1 | vi become sore and cracked, pecah-pecah: my lips always ~ in cold weather, bibir saya selalu pecah-pecah dlm cuaca yg dingin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chap1 | vt cause to become sore and cracked menyebabkan [sst] pecah-pecah: the cold wind ~ped his face, angin yg sejuk menyebabkan kulit mukanya pecah-pecah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
battered | adj 1. bruised (as if) by blows, luka-luka dan lebam-lebam; (of skull) pecah-pecah: the nurse bathes his ~ body, jururawat itu memandikan badannya yg luka-luka dan lebam-lebam; 2. disfigured, damaged by blows, hard usage, etc, a. (of face) cacat: the ~ face of the old boxer broke into a broad smile, petinju tua yg mukanya cacat itu tersenyum lebar; b. (of st made of metal) kemik-kemik: a ~ aluminium teapot, teko aluminium yg kemik-kemik; a ~ old truck, trak lama yg kemik-kemik; c. (of st that can be shattered, broken) rosak, kopak-kapik; (of ship) pecah-pecah dan kopak-kapik: a room full of ~ furniture, bilik yg penuh dgn perabot yg rosak; the once proud ship was a ~ wreck, kapal yg dahulunya menjadi kemegahan, sekarang telah pecah-pecah dan kopak-kapik; d. (of st made of soft, flexible material) renyuk-renyuk: a ~ songkok, songkok yg renyuk-renyuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cracked | adj 1. split into fissures, merekah; 2. split into thin lines, retak: the ~ walls of the old castle, dinding istana lama yg retak; 3. (of skin, lips) pecah-pecah; 4. (colloq) crazy, gila, sewel, miring. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dry | adj 1. not watery, kering: come and stand over here where the ground is ~, mari berdiri di tanah yg kering ini; ~ land, land that is not under water (esp the sea) darat: they were relieved when they reached ~ land, mereka berasa lega apabila sampai di darat; 2. not damp or wet, kering: are the clothes ~ yet?, adakah baju-baju itu sudah kering?; he stood in front of the fire until he was ~, dia berdiri di hadapan api sehingga kering; 3. having lost moisture, kering: my lips are ~ and cracked, bibir saya kering dan pecah-pecah; the ground was ~ and dusty, tanah itu kering dan berdebu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crack | vi 1. split into fissures, merekah: the dry ground ~ed during the long summer, tanah yg kontang merekah pd musim panas yg panjang; 2. split into thin lines, meretak: the glass ~ed when she poured hot water into it, gelas itu meretak apabila air panas dituang ke dalamnya; 3. (of skin, lips) pecah-pecah; 4. make sudden, sharp noise, [various translations]: rifles ~ed simultaneously, senapang meletup serentak; the children shouted when the fireworks ~ed, kanak-kanak bersorak apabila bunga api meletup-letup; when whips ~, apabila cemeti melecut; 5. (of voice), (menjadi) serak; (approaching puberty, adolescence) pecah: his voice ~ed with grief, suaranya serak krn sedih; at adolescence, a boy’s voice ~s, suara budak lelaki pecah sewaktu mulai meningkat remaja; 6. break down, menyerah: he ~ed under the continual questioning, dia menyerah setelah disoal bertalu-talu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crack | vt 1. cause to split into fissures, merekahkan: expansion and contraction have ~ed the beams, pengembangan dan pengecutan telah merekahkan alang itu; 2. cause to split into thin lines, meretakkan: a ball thrown by the children ~ed the window pane, bola yg dibaling oleh budak-budak itu telah meretakkan cermin tingkap; 3. accidentally fracture, reta_òk: he ~ed the eggs when he fell against the table, telur itu retak apabila dia tersandung meja; 4. (skin, lips) menyebabkan pecah-pecah: the extreme cold ~ed his lips, kesejukan yg amat sangat menyebabkan bibirnya pecah-pecah; 5. also ~ open, split open, memecahkan: to ~ the safe, memecahkan peti besi; 6. accidentally hit with forceful blow, pecah: he ~ed his head when he fell, kepalanya pecah sewaktu dia terjatuh; 7. cause voice to break, menjadikan serak: emotion ~ed his voice, tekanan emosi menjadikan suaranya serak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burst | vt 1. cause to break open, apart, into pieces, etc, memecahkan; (not deliberately, or when subject is not person) menyebabkan [sst] pecah, [sst] pecah: he ~ the balloon with a pin, dia memecahkan belon itu dgn peniti; the blow ~ a blood-vessel in his leg, pukulan itu menyebabkan saluran darah pd kakinya pecah or saluran darah pd kakinya pecah akibat pukulan itu; the river will ~ its banks, tebing sungai itu akan pecah; 2. cause to explode, menyebabkan [sst] meletup, [sst] meletup: the lorry ~ a tyre at the corner, tayar lori itu meletup di selekoh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dash | out; ~ o’s brain out, sso pecah kepala, kepala sso pecah; ~ so’s brains out, memecahkan kepala sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |