hard | adj 1. firm, unyielding, keras; (of body, muscle, etc) pejal, keras: the ground was ~ because of the drought, tanah itu keras akibat kemarau; a ~ mattress, tilam yg keras; ~ muscles, otot yg pejal; 2. severe, unkind, keras; (of words) kasar: his father was a ~ man, bapanya keras orangnya; be ~ on so., bersikap keras thdp sso; 3. forceful, kuat: a ~ blow on the head, pukulan yg kuat di kepala; 4. performing st with great intensity, persistence, etc, kuat: a ~ worker, orang yg kuat bekerja; a ~ drinker, orang yg kuat minum arak; a ~ smoker, orang yg kuat merokok; 5. requiring much effort, berat: ~ work, kerja yg berat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
firm1 | adj 1. solid, not yielding to pressure, tdk lembik; (of fruit , flesh, cushion) pejal: the refrigerator will keep the butter ~, kalau disimpan dlm peti sejuk, mentega tdk lembik; his stomach muscles were still ~, otot perutnya masih pejal; 2. secure, a. kukuh, teguh: it was difficult tofind a ~ foot-hold on the icy slope, susah mencari tempat berpijak yg kukuh pd cerun yg berais itu; he wound sticky tape round the broken chair leg till it was ~, dia melilitkan pita perekat pd kaki kerusi yg patah itu hingga kukuh; b. (fig.) kukuh, teguh, erat: there are ~ ties of friendship between our two countries, terdapat tali persahabatan yg erat antara kedua-dua negara kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flesh | n 1. soft part of animal body, daging: lions are ~ -eating animals, singa ialah binatang pemakan daging; the ~ of his arm was firm, daging lengannya pejal; 2. (of fruit, vegetable) pulpy substance, isi, daging: the ~ is sweet and juicy, isinya manis dan berair; 3. (colour), (warna) kulit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |