disgruntled | adj bersungut: the workers were ~ because they were not paid on time, pekerja-pekerja bersungut krn mereka tdk dibayar upah pd waktunya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | ~ out for, bertahan utk mendapatkan: the workers are ~ing out for higher wages, pekerja-pekerja bertahan utk mendapatkan gaji yg lebih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
demonstrate | vi 1. display feelings and opinions, menunjuk perasaan, berdemonstrasi: the workers ~d against rising prices, pekerja-pekerja menunjuk perasaan membantah kenaikan harga; 2. explain and show, menunjuk cara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hand | ~ out, a. (pamphlets, alms, etc) membahagi-bahagikan: the voluntary workers ~ed out food parcels to the fire victims, pekerja-pekerja suka rela membahagi-bahagikan bungkusan makanan kpd mangsa kebakaran; b. (advice) memberikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ by, a. pass, lalu: he moved aside so that the workmen could ~ by, dia beranjak ke tepi supaya pekerja-pekerja itu dapat lalu; b. obtain by effort, chance, accident, mendapat, memperoleh; (job) mendapat; (bruise, wound, etc) boleh: how did you ~ by those gold coins?, bagaimana kamu memperoleh duit syiling emas itu?; a job is hard to ~ by these days, sekarang ini susah hendak mendapat kerja; I wonder how he came by that bruise on his forehead, saya hairan bagaimana dahinya boleh lebam; c. (esp US) singgah: he came by for a drink, dia singgah utk minum-minum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exploit | vt 1. take advantage of, mengeksploitasikan: the management was accused of ~ing the workers, pihak dituduh mengeksplotasi pekerja-pekerja; 2. make the best use of, mengeksploitasi, menggunakan: the country’s mineral resources are being fully ~ed, sumber-sumber galian negara itu dieksploitasi sepenuhnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
efficiency | n efisiennya; (of human) kecekapan: the ~ of the equipment used, efisiennya alat-alat yg digunakan; the ~ of the workers, kecekapan pekerja-pekerja; with ~, dgn cekapnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
encouragement | n 1. act of encouraging, penggalakan;2. st that encourages, penggalak: a reward system that acted as an ~ to the employees, sistem ganjaran yg merupakan penggalak kpd pekerja-pekerja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
knock | ~ off (work), (colloq) berhenti (bekerja); (for the day) habis (kerja): as soon as the whistle blew, the workmen put down their tools and ~ed off for lunch, sebaik saja wisel berbunyi, pekerja-pekerja itu meletakkan perk | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
haywire | adj; /go, be/ ~, (colloq) a. (gen) jadi /tak tentu hala, kelam-kabut, kucar-kacir/: our plans went ~ because the workers went on strike, rancangan kami jadi tak tentu hala krn pekerja-pekerja mogok; b. (of person) jadi gila-gila: she went a bit ~ after winning a large sum of money, dia jadi gila-gila sedikit setelah mendapat wang yg banyak; c. (of electrical apparatus, machine, etc) meragam, tak tentu hala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |