aloof | adv; /keep, hold, stand/ ~ from, a. (suka) /mengasingkan, memencilkan, menyisihkan, menjauhkan/ diri drpd, (suka) menyendiri dr: she stood ~ from the crowd, dia mengasingkan diri drpd orang ramai; b. (fig.) /menjauhkan, menyisihkan/ diri drpd; (of buyer, investor, etc) tdk mahu berurus niaga: to keep ~ from politics, menjauhkan diri drpd politik; meanwhile investors are holding ~, dlm pd itu pelabur-pelabur tdk mahu berurus niaga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
injection | n 1. act of, a. (introducing fluid by means of syringe) penyuntikan, menyuntikkan: the drug can be given orally or by ~, dadah itu boleh dimakan atau disuntikkan; b. (introducing, adding st into st) penyisipan, menyelitkan; (money) penyuntikan: his lectures would be more interesting with the ~ of a little humour, ceramahnya akan menjadi lebih menarik dgn menyelitkan jenaka; the ~ of capital by foreign investors, penyuntikan modal oleh pelabur-pelabur asing; 2. (med) instance of introducing fluid by means of syringe, suntikan: an ~ in the arm, suntikan di lengan; an ~ for malaria, suntikan utk mencegah malaria; 3. (med) fluid injected, suntikan; 4. introduction under pressure of fuel etc into combustion chamber of engine, pancitan; (attrib) suntikan: ~ moulding, pengacuan suntikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
investor | n pelabur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circumspect | adj hati-hati; a ~ investor, pelabur yg hati-hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advantage | some investors have taken ~ of the low share prices and increased their holdings, setengah-setengah pelabur telah mengambil kesempatan drpd harga syer yg rendah ini dan menambah syer mereka; to (good, the best) ~, dgn sebaik-baiknya: a woman who uses her beauty to the best ~, wanita yg menggunakan kejelitaannya dgn sebaik-baiknya; to no ~, tdk /berfaedah, bermanfaat/; to so’s ~, /berfaedah, bermanfaat/ bagi sso, membawa /faedah, manfaat/ kpd sso: you will hear st to your ~, kamu akan mengetahui sst yg berfaedah bagi kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deter | vt menghalang: political unrest will ~ investors from coming to the country, pergolakan politik akan menghalang pelabur drpd melabur di dlm negara itu; pride should ~ him from doing anything so contemptible, rasa bangga diri sepatutnya menghalangnya drpd melakukan perbuatan yg terkutuk itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
friendly | 4. having favourable attitude, (sedia) menerima; (to a cause) menyokong: a government ~ to overseas investors, kerajaan yg sedia menerima pelabur asing; a group ~ to our cause, kumpulan yg menyokong perjuangan kita; 5. done for pleasure, entertainment, etc, persahabatan; (of argument) sbg sahabat: a ~ match, perlawanan persahabatan; a ~ debate, debat persahabatan; they are only having a ~ argument, mereka berbalah sbg sahabat sahaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exercise | 4. use, application, penggunaan; (of leniency, caution, patience, tolerance) bersikap [adj], ber- [adj]; (restraint, self-control, etc) dapat [v]: the essay topic calls for the ~ of the student’s imagination, tajuk esei itu memerlukan penggunaan daya fikir pelajar-pelajar; the ~ of patience and self-control is necessary in most negotiations, bersikap sabar dan dapat mengawal diri amat perlu dlm kebanyakan perundingan; 5. (mil) latihan: naval ~s, latihan tentera laut; 6. set of actions planned to achieve a particular purpose or effect, usaha: the object of this whole ~ was to woo foreign investors, tujuan seluruh usaha ini adalah utk menarik para pelabur asing; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |