labour | n 1. physical or mental, exertion work, kerja: I did not realize how much ~ would be involved, saya tdk menyedari banyaknya kerja yg terlibat; he was sentenced to two years hard ~, dia dijatuhi hukuman kerja berat selama dua tahun; manual ~, kerja manual; division of ~, pembahagian kerja; 2. particular piece of work (esp difficult), (be)kerja (keras): he began to see the result of his ~s, dia mula nampak hasil kerja kerasnya; 3. workers as a class, buruh, pekerja: skilled and unskilled ~, pekerja mahir dan tdk mahir; 4. pains of childbirth, pelahiran: to induce ~, mencetuskan pelahiran; ~ pains, sakit pelahiran; be in ~, sakit hendak bersalin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |