floor plan | n pelan lantai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground plan | n 1. diagram of ground floor of building, pelan tingkat bawah; 2. basic outline of anything, rancangan asas: they have a ~ but have yet to work out the details, mereka mempunyai rancangan asas tetapi masih belum membuat perinciannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draughtsman | n 1. so. who prepares detailed scale drawings, pelukis pelan; 2. see DRAFTSMAN (sense 1.); 3. (UK), disc used in game of draughts, buah dam; 4. person skilled at drawing, pelukis. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ingenuity | n cleverness, resourcefulness, kepintaran, kebijakan: the plan of the house showed her ~, pelan rumah itu menunjukkan kepintarannya; with a little ~, I’m sure we can find a way of solving this problem, dgn sedikit kepintaran, saya pasti kita dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
freehand | adj & adv (dgn) tangan: a ~ sketch, lakaran tangan; she drew the plan of the house ~, dia melukis pelan rumah itu dgn tangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elegiac | b. position,tempat, kedudukan: this plant is found only at lower ~s, tumbuhan ini hanya terdapat di tempat yg kurang tinggi sahaja; c. place higher than surroundings, tempat tinggi: the memorial was built on a rocky ~, tugu itu didirikan di tempat berbatu yg tinggi; 3. (of style etc) ketinggian, kemulukan; 4. (archit) pelan tegak: front ~, pelan tegak depan; 5. (angle), (sudut) dongakan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conversion | n 1. act, process of changing, a. (in character, function, etc) penukaran: the ~ of water into ice, penukaran air menjadi ais; the ~ of miles to kilometres, penukaran ukuran batu kpd kilometer; b. (from no religion to a particular religion) menjadikan [sso] beragama [n]; (to Christianity) mengkristiankan; (to Islam) mengislamkan; c. (to another religion), /memeluk, masuk/ (n): following her ~ to Judaism..., setelah dia memeluk agama Yahudi...; d. (to a particular opinion, ideology, etc) menukar haluan; 2. adaptation of building etc, pengubahsuaian: the plans for the ~ of the room into a studio are now ready, pelan pengubahsuaian bilik itu sudah pun siap; 3. (leg.) konversi: the ~ of public funds, konversi wang kerajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |