bareback | adj & adv tanpa pelana, tdk berpelana: a ~ rider, penunggang kuda tanpa pelana; to ride ~, menunggang kuda tanpa pelana. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gall 2 | vt 1. chafe, melecetkan: the saddle is ~ing the horse’s back, pelana itu melecetkan belakang kuda; 2. a. vex, irk, berasa gemas: it ~ed him to have to take orders from a woman, dia berasa gemas krn terpaksa menerma arahan drpd seorang wanita; b. humiliate, menyebabkan [sso] berasa hina; (pass.) berasa hina: having to admit defeat ~s him, dia berasa hina krn terpaksa mengaku kalah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
buck1 | vi mendompak: the horse ~ed as soon as the rider sat in the saddle, kuda itu mendompak sebaik sahaja penunggang itu duduk di atas pelana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boost | vt 1. encourage, merangsang: his presence ~ed our morale, kehadirannya merangsang semangat kami; 2. (colloq) also ~ up, push from below, menolak [sso] ke atas: he ~ed his son into the saddle, dia menolak anaknya naik ke atas pelana; 3. increase, menggalakkan; (prices) menaikkan: we need to ~ production by 20%, kita perlu menggalakkan pengeluaran supaya meningkat sebanyak 20%; to ~ the economy, menggalakkan pertumbuhan ekonomi; 4. promote (so.) vigorously, menaikkan nama; 5. (electr) menggalakkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grip | her assailant suddenly ~ped her by the throat, penyerangnya tiba-tiba mencengkam lehernya; the old tyres could not ~ the road well, tayar lama itu tdk mencengkam jalan dgn baik; c. (with instrument) menyepit: he ~ped the burning coal with tongs, dia menyepit arang yg menyala itu dgn sepit; d. (between legs, under arms) mengepit: to ~ the saddle with his knees, mengepit pelana dgn lututnya; 2. take hold of, a. (so’s attention) mempesona: the play ~ped the audience, drama itu mempesona penonton; b. (imagination) menguasai: his paintings really ~ the imagination, | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |