half-way | adj [various translations ]: the runners were tired and they had not even reached the ~ mark, pelari-pelari itu sudah penat dan mereka belum pun menghabiskan separuh jarak perlumbaan itu; Malacca is the ~ point between these two towns, Melaka terletak di pertengahan jalan antara kedua-dua bandar ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hand | ~ on, a. pass by hand, menyerahkan, memberikan: the torch was ~ed on from runner to runner, obor itu diserahkan drpd seorang pelari kpd pelari yg lain; b. pass (from one person to another) mengedarkan: he ~ed the letter on to the other people on the list, dia mengedarkan surat itu kpd orang-orang lain dlm senarai tersebut; c. pass on (from one generation to another) menurunkan: the customs that have been ~ed on from our forefathers, adat-adat yg telah diturunkan drpd nenek moyang kita; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot | adj 1. of, having relatively high temperature, panas, hangat: ~ day, hari yg panas; ~ water, air panas; ~ iron, besi hangat; the oven is not ~ enough, ketuhar itu tdk cukup panas; her forehead was ~, dahinya panas; ~ and tired, she lagged behind the other runners, oleh sebab panas dan letih, dia ketinggalan di belakang pelari-pelari lain; 2. producing burning sensation on tongue, pedas: ~ curries, kari yg pedas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exhibit | vt 1. display (st in public) mempamerkan; (as evidence in a law court) menunjukkan: his paintings were ~ed at one of the famous galleries in Europe, lukisan-lukisannya dipamerkan di salah sebuah galeri yg terkenal di Eropah; 2. (fml) give evidence of, reveal, menunjukkan: the marathon runners ~ed great powers of endurance, pelari-pelari maraton menunjukkan daya ketahanan yg hebat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground 1 | before he could proceed with the plan, his rival had already cut the ~ from under his feet, sebelum dia sempat menjalankan rancangannya, lawannya telah memintasinya; gain ~, (fig.) semakin diterima: the new theory is slowly gaining ~, teori baru itu mula diterima sedikit demi sedikit; gain ~ on, (lit. & fig.) hampir menyamai: he was fast gaining ~ on the other runners, dgn cepat dia hampir menyamai pelari-pelari lain; diversification of products will help us gain ~ on our competitiors, pempelbagaian keluaran akan membantu kita hampir menyamai | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
far | adv 1. at, to considerable distance in space, jauh: do you live ~ from here?, kamu tinggal jauh dr sini?; we did not go ~, kami tdk pergi jauh; 2. from a considerable distance, dr jauh: did you come ~?, kamu datang dr jauh?; 3. (used with other adv or prep) a great distance in space or time, jauh: they lived ~ away from us, mereka tinggal jauh dr rumah kami; he was ~ ahead of the other runners, dia jauh di hadapan pelari-pelari lain; to look ~ into the future, melihat jauh ke masa depan; 4. a great deal, very much, a. (modifying adj) jauh: the journey was ~ worse than we expected, perjalanan itu jauh lebih teruk drpd yg kami sangka; it would have been ~ better to resign, jauh lebih baik sekiranya dia meletak jawatan; b. (modifying adv), [not translated]: she’s ~ too thin, dia terlalu kurus; it’s ~ too crowded in here, tempat ini terlalu sesak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hurdler | n pelari lompat pagar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
half-miler | n pelari jarak setengah batu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harrier | n 1. (hunting dog) sejenis anjing utk berburu; 2. cross-country runner, pelari merentas desa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drop | ~ back, a. be left behind, ketinggalan: one of the runners ~ped back halfway through the race, salah seorang drpd pelari itu telah ketinggalan separuh jalan dlm perlumbaan itu; b. reduce pace (compared with that of others) sengaja berlambat-lambat: they ~ped back in order to be alone, mereka sengaja berlambat-lambat supaya dapat bersendiri-sendiri; ~ back into (habit); kembali kpd (tabiat); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |