plunger | n 1. device for unblocking pipes, pam; 2. (of machine) part that moves up and down, pelocok: the ~ in the valve had stuck, pelocok dlm injap itu telah tersekat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ up, a. increase, rise, naik: prices keep ~ing up, harga semakin naik; b. be erected, dibina, dibangunkan, didirikan: the new hotel will ~ up over there, hotel baru itu akan dibina di sebelah sana; c. (of curtain in the theatre) dinaikkan: the curtain ~es up at eight o’clock sharp, tirai akan dinaikkan tepat pd pukul lapan; d. be blown up, meletup: he pressed the plunger but the bridge didn’t ~ up, dia menekan pelocok tetapi jambatan itu tdk meletup; ~ up st, ascend st, menaiki sst: they went up the stairs, mereka menaiki tangga; ~ up a river, mudik ke hulu, menghulu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |