compulsion | n 1. act of compelling, pemaksaan; under ~, (membuat sst) krn terpaksa: acting under ~, bertindak krn terpaksa; be under no ~ (to do st) tdk dipaksa (membuat sst); 2. strong desire, dorongan nafsu yg kuat; (psychol) kompulsi: he felt a sudden ~ to hit the child, dia berasa ada dorongan nafsu yg kuat secara tiba-tiba utk memukul budak itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coercion | n 1. act of coercing, pemaksaan; under ~, krn dipaksa: he signed the agreement under ~, dia menandatangani perjanjian itu krn dipaksa; 2. government by force, pemerintahan secara paksaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extortion | n 1. crime of obtaining (money) by force etc, pemerasan: he faces three charges of ~, dia menghadapi tiga tuduhan melakukan pemerasan; 2. act of obtaining (confesion, promise, etc) by use of force, pemaksaan; 3. (derog) robbery, (perbuatan) cekik darah: twenty dollars for this? That’s ~!, dua puluh dolar utk ini? Cekik darah betul!. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
imposition | n 1. levying, pengenaan: the ~ of higher fees on foreign students, pengenaan yuran yg lebih tinggi e atas pelajar asing; 2. act of forcing acceptance of, a. (condition, sanction, fine, etc) pengenaan: the ~ of a fine should serve as sufficient punishment, pengenaan denda seharusnya merupakan hukuman yg memadai; b. (sentence) penjatuhan; c. (task, duty, etc) mempertanggungjawabkan; d. (o’s will, idea, etc) pemaksaan; e. (st burdensome such as responsibility, problem, etc) pembebanan; 3. st imposed, [various translations]: this extra responsibility is an ~ I am unwilling to take on, tanggungjawab tambahan ini merupakan beban yg tdk sanggup saya terima; your borrowing it without asking was an ~, perbuatan amu meminjam tanpa meminta izin menyusahkan saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |