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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

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Definisi : orang yg membaca: majalah ini banyak mempunyai ~nya; ~ pruf orang yg tugasnya membaca (meneliti) pruf dan membetulkan kesilapan yg didapati. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

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Definisi : orang yg membaca: Saya ingin menjadi ~ berita di radio (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

correspondence columnn ruangan pembaca.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
audiencen 1. assembly of listeners, spectators, (para) /penonton, hadirin/; 2. listener etc reached by, a. (book, magazine, etc) khalayak, para pembaca; b. (film, television programme, etc) penonton; c. (radio broadcast), (para) pendengar; 3. following, pengikut; (of entertainer) peminat; 4. formal interview, menghadap: to grant so. an ~, memperkenankan sso menghadap; to request an ~ with the king, memohon perkenanan raja utk menghadap.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fast1adj 1. quick, quick-moving, swift, a. (of person) cepat, pantas, deras: a ~ runner, pelari yg pantas; a ~ reader, pembaca yg pantas; b. (of animal) tangkas, pantas: a ~ horse, kuda yg pantas; c. (of vehicle) laju, deras: a ~ train, kereta api yg laju; a ~ car, kereta yg laju; d. (of mus) rancak; 2. accomplished in a short time, (dgn) /cepat, pantas/: that was ~ work!, cepat kamu bekerja!; 3. of short duration, singkat; (of journey) memakan /waktu, masa/ yg singkat: a ~ visit, lawatan yg singkat; 4. (of watch, clock) cepat:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dependvi; /it all, that/ ~s, bergantung pd keadaan; (foll by n clause) itu bergantung pd, tengoklah: it all ~s who the target reader is, itu bergantung pd siapa pembaca sasarannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
general4. not specialized, am; (of reader) umum: ~ knowledge, pengetahuan am; ~ science, sains am; ~ contractor, kontraktor am; books for the ~ reader, buku-buku utk pembaca umum; 5. prevalent, umum: words in ~ use, perkataan-perkataan dlm penggunaan umum; 6. not detailed, umum: your essay is far too ~, esei kamu terlalu umum; 7. rough, not definite, kasar: you don’t have to explain in detail, just give me the ~ idea, kamu tdk perlu menerangkannya secara terperinci, beri saya gambaran kasarKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
delicate11. given to or marked by elaborate tact, discreetness, keen sensitivity, a. (of person) sensitif: a book that is not to be recommended to the ~ reader, buku yg tdk sesuai disyorkan kpd pembaca yg sensitif; b. (of feeling, mind, etc) sensitif; c. (of action), [various translations]: their conversation could hardly be described as ~, perbualan mereka tdk sopan; a ~ refusal, menolak secara lembut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
elliptic(al)adj 1. of an ellipse, berbentuk elips;2. (gram.) elipsis: ~ sentence, ayat elipsis; 3. difficult to understand, sukar difahami: his style is so ~ that the unsophisticated reader is easily misled, gayanya begitu sukar difahami sehingga pembaca yg tdk canggih mudah salah faham.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
grind~ out, a. utter in grating voice, approp v + dgn suara yg garau: “Keep quiet”, he ground out, “Senyap”, katanya dgn suara yg garau; b. (derog) produce in a boringly routine way, mengeluarkan: they ~ out cheap novels for the undiscerning reader, mereka mengeluarkan novel picisan utk pembaca yg tdk peka;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gloss 2 n 1. short definition of word in dictionary, glos: this word has only got four ~es, perkataan ini mempunyai hanya empat glos; 2. explanatory comment inserted in a text, /penjelasan, keterangan/ ringkas: the ~es in the margin are a great help to the reader, penjelasan ringkas dlm margin sangat membantu pembaca; 3. see GLOSSARY;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
commonby ~ consent, as everyone agrees, spt yg disetujui ramai; the ~ herd, (derog) orang koman: you’ll never catch her mixing with the ~ herd, dia tak akan bergaul dgn orang-orang koman; ~ land, tanah /awam, kegunaan umum/; the ~ man, orang biasa; ~ or garden, (colloq) biasa: there’s nothing exotic about it, it’s just one of those ~ or garden birds, tdk ada yg eksotik tentangnya, burung itu hanyalah burung biasa; the ~ people, rakyat /biasa, jelata/; the /~, general/ reader, pembaca biasa, for the ~ good, utk kebaikan bersama; have the ~ courtesy, ada budi bahasa: he didn’t even have the ~ courtesy to thank me, dia langsung tdk ada budi bahasa utk mengucapkan terima kasih kpd saya; in ~ use, /selalu, sering/ digunakan: the word is in ~ use, perkataan itu selalu digunakan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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