amelioration | n pembaikan: the ~ of living conditions, pembaikan keadaan hidup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
concrete | adj konkrit: they presented ~ proposals for improvement, mereka mengemukakan usul yg konkrit utk pembaikan; a ~ example, contoh konkrit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
duration | n jangka masa, tempoh; for the ~, sehingga sst + approp v: since their house is still under repair, the whole family will be here for the ~, oleh sebab rumah mereka masih sedang dibaiki, seluruh keluarga akan berada di sini sehingga kerja pembaikan selesai; for the ~ of, sepanjang: he’ll be a boarder for the ~ of the school term, dia akan tinggal di asrama sepanjang penggal persekolahan; of /long, short/~, memakan masa yg lama, sekejap sahaja: the performance was only of short ~, persembahan itu sekejap sahaja; of /two, three, etc /years’ ~, utk /jangka masa, tempoh/ /dua, tiga/ tahun, selama /dua, tiga, dll/ tahun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amount | n 1. quantity, banyak(nya): the ~ of food left over surprised her, dia terperanjat melihat banyaknya makanan yg berlebihan itu; 2. sum total, jumlah; (econ) amaun: the ~ still unsold, jumlah yg masih belum dijual; he only spent a small ~ on repairs, dia hanya membelanjakan jumlah yg kecil bagi kerja-kerja pembaikan; ~ owing, amaun terhutang; 3. full value, significance, effect, maksud(nya): the ~ of the statement is that..., maksud kenyataan itu ialah...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extensive | adj 1. covering a large area, luas; (of rash) merebak; (of burns) teruk: there are ~ areas of desert in this country, terdapat kawasan gurun yg luas di negara ini; as the rash was not ~, we did not take him to see a doctor, disebabkan ruam tdk merebak kami tdk membawanya berjumpa doktor; the child has ~ burns, kanak-kanak itu mengalami luka kebakaran yg teruk;2. a. large in amount, banyak: ~ repairs were carried out to restore the old mill to full working order, kerja-kerja pembaikan yg banyak dijalankan utk membaik pulih kilang itu supaya dapat berjalan dgn lancar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |