hand-out | n 1. st given as alms, pemberian orang; (if the donator is specified) pemberian: the family has to depend on ~s from charitable neighbours, keluarga itu terpaksa bergantung pd pemberian jiran-jiran yg murah hati; 2. prepared statement to the press, kenyataan bertulis; 3. distributed notes, leaflet, /bahan, kertas/ sebaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
authorization, authorisation | n 1. act of, a. (giving authority to) pemberian kuasa kpd: the ~ of special commissioners, pemberian kuasa kpd pesuruhjaya-pesuruhjaya khas; b. (giving permission for) memberikan kebenaran utk; 2. sanction, permission, kebenaran: he did it without my ~, dia melakukannya tanpa kebenaran saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bounty | n 1. generosity, kedermawanan, kemurahan hati: he was well known for his ~, dia terkenal krn kedermawanannya; 2. generous gift, pemberian (yg) dermawan: the king’s ~ to his men, pemberian dermawan oleh raja kpd orang-orang baginda; 3. reward (by government) ganjaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gift tax | n cukai pemberian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extension | d. (offering welcome, asylum, credit, etc) pemberian, memberikan [sst], memberi [sso]: the ~ of hospitality, memberikan layanan baik; the bank refused him any ~ of credit, bank itu enggan memberinya sebarang kredit; 2. part, wing added to a building, binaan tambahan: the ~ to the hospital is nearly finished, binaan tambahan kpd hospital itu hampir siap; 3. additional time, tempoh lanjutan: he applied for an ~ of his work permit, dia memohon tempoh lanjutan bagi pas kerjanya; 4. part that can be connected to an equipment, pemanjangan: ~ cord, perentas pemanjangan; 5. (subsidiary telephone) sambungan; 6. (med) ekstensi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
capitation | n (tax) cukai kepala; ~ grant, pemberian ikut kepala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bribery | n 1. giving of bribe, /pemberian, memberi/ rasuah, penyogokan, menyogok: he got the contract by ~, dia mendapat kontrak itu dgn memberi rasuah; 2. taking of bribe, /penerimaan, menerima/ rasuah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exemplification | n 1. act of illustrating by giving example, pemberian contoh; 2. (fml) example, contoh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elaboration | n 1. act of elaborating, penghuraian lebih lanjut, /penghuraian, pemberian/ butir-butir; 2. additional explanation, details, /huraian, keterangan/ lebih lanjut: no further ~ is necessary, huraian lebih lanjut tdk diperlukan; 3. embellishment, hiasan, adunan: the story is absorbing enough without any ~, cerita itu cukup mengasyikkan tanpa sebarang hiasan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bounteous, bountiful | adj 1. generous, dermawan: a ~ gift, pemberian yg dermawan; 2. plentiful, melimpah-limpah, melimpah-ruah: a ~ supply of food, bekalan makanan yg melimpah-limpah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |