accompanist | n /pemain muzik, pemuzik/ iringan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
consummate | adj 1. (fml) accomplished, highly skilled, handal(an): a ~ musician, pemuzik yg handal; 2. (intensifier) betul-betul, benar-benar: he is a ~ liar, dia betul-betul penipu; 3. (fml) perfect, complete, [no specific translation]: to dance with ~ grace, menari dgn lemah gemalai; their ~ happiness, mereka begitu gembira; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exceptional | adj luar biasa: the architect’s design is quite ~, reka bentuk jurubina itu luar biasa; an ~ musician, pemuzik yg luar biasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
improvisation | n 1. act of, a. (making, preparing st quickly from materials that are available), /membuat, menyediakan/ [sst] dgn apa-apa yg ada; (of speech etc) mengimprovisasi: his skill at ~ is a valuable asset, kemahirannya membuat peralatan dgn apa-apa yg ada sangat berfaedah; b. (composing verse, piece of music, lines of play, etc as one goes along) improvisasi: ~ was used extensively by jazz players, pemuzik jaz menggunakan improvisasi secara meluas; 2. st improvised, improvisasi: he was good at making ~s, dia pandai membuat improvisasi; the bench is an ~, using two tree stumps and a plank, bangku itu ialah improvisasi yg dibuat dgn dua tunggul kayu dan sekeping papan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | ~ of, a. happen, terjadi pd: what came of him, nobody knows, apa yg terjadi padanya, tdk seorang pun tahu; b. be the result of, hasil: no good will ~ of it, hasilnya pasti tdk baik; that’s what ~s of watching too many horror films, itulah hasilnya menonton terlalu banyak filem seram; c. be descended from, /datang, berasal/ dr: she ~s of a family of musicians, dia datang dr keluarga pemuzik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
birth | at ~, /semasa, sewaktu/ lahir: the baby weighed 3.5 kg at ~, bayi itu beratnya 3.5 kg semasa lahir; at a ~, sekali lahir: five young at a ~, lima ekor anak sekali lahir; a /man, woman/ of humble ~, orang kebanyakan; by ~, a. by descent, berketurunan: a Russian by ~, berketurunan Rusia; b. by natural talent, berbakat: a musician by ~, pemuzik yg berbakat; from ~, sejak lahir: she has been deaf from ~, dia pekak sejak lahir; give ~ to, a. bear (child) melahirkan; b. produce (idea etc) melahirkan: his experiment gave ~ to new discoveries, uji kajinya melahirkan penemuan-penemuan baru; of /high, noble/ ~, /drpd keturunan, berketurunan/ bangsawan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |