excess postage | excess supply n penawaran berlebihan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bidding | n 1. command, order, perintah; (of royalty) titah perintah; 2. request, suruhan; 3. act of making bids, penawaran, pembidaan: the ~ will begin in an hour, pembidaan itu akan bermula dlm masa sejam; 4. bids made, tawaran, bida; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exceed | vt 1. be greater or larger than, melebihi: the number of students in each class must not ~ 30, bilangan pelajar dlm setiap kelas mestilah tdk melebihi 30 orang; the amount of money collected ~ed all expectation, jumlah wang yg dikumpulkan melebihi jangkaan; the demand for cotton ~s the supply, permintaan thdp kain kapas melebihi penawaran; 2. ( derog ) go beyond, melampaui, melebihi: he was fined for ~ing the speed limit, dia didenda krn melebihi had laju; he ~ed his authority in arresting the man, dia melampaui bidang kuasanya apabila menangkap lelaki itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
demand | n 1. peremptory request, desakan; (for what one believes to be o’s rights) tuntutan: a child’s ~ for attention, desakan seorang anak utk mendapat perhatian; all ~s for payment of the bill were ignored, semua tuntutan bayaran tdk dipedulikan; the union’s ~s are quite reasonable, tuntutan-tuntutan kesatuan itu agak wajar; 2. urgent, pressing claim, tuntutan, desakan: the ~s on o’s time, tuntutan thdp masa sso; 3. (econ) permintaan: supply and ~, penawaran dan permintaan; the ~ for skilled labour, permintaan utk pekerja-pekerja mahir; ~ curve, keluk permintaan; ~ price, harga permintaan; ~ schedule, jadual permintaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
determine | vt 1. ascertain, menentukan, memastikan: an experiment to ~ the acidity of a substance, eksperimen utk menentukan keasidan sst bahan; to ~ the cause of death, memastikan sebab kematian; 2. settle, fix, menentukan, menetapkan, memutuskan: it is a matter which can be ~d by the Dean, itu ialah perkara yg boleh ditentukan oleh Dekan; to ~ the date of their wedding, menentukan tarikh perkahwinan mereka; 3. make firm decision, berazam, bertekad; (on st of minor importance) memutuskan: he ~d to continue his studies, dia berazam utk melanjutkan pelajarannya; they ~d to leave before daylight, mereka memutuskan utk pergi sebelum matahari naik; 4. regulate, influence, menentukan: demand ~s supply, permintaan menentukan penawaran; 5. cause (so.) to decide, membulatkan tekad: the argument ~d her to leave home, perbalahan itu membulatkan tekadnya utk meninggalkan keluarganya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |