emphasis | n 1. importance given to st, penekanan, penegasan: the ~ in this school is on academic work, penekanan di sekolah ini adalah kpd kerja-kerja ilmiah; /put, place, lay/ ~ on st, /meletakkan, memberikan/ /penekanan, penegasan/ pd sst, menitikberatkan sst; give ~ to, menekankan, menegaskan, menitikberatkan; 2. stress on syllable, word, phrase, tekanan: in the verb “increase”, the ~ falls on the last syllable, pd kata kerja “increase”, tekanannya adalah pd suku kata akhir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
asseveration | n penegasan, pernyataan yg bersungguh-sungguh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assertion | n 1. positive statement, kenyataan (yg) tegas: his ~ of innocence was disbelieved, kenyataannya yg tegas ttg kejujurannya tdk dipercayai; 2. act of, a. maintaining defending in words, pernyataan, penegasan; (right) tuntutan, penuntutan: the ~ of ownership, penegasan hak milik; b. demonstrating the existence of, memperlihatkan, menunjukkan: the ~ of control, memperlihatkan kekuasaan; c. declaring positively, forcefully, penegasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pleonasm | nkelewahan: ~ is not always a fault but can be used for the sake of emphasis,kelewahan bukan semestinya satu kesalahan tetapi boleh digunakan utk tujuan penegasan; “a native born in the country” is a ~, “anak tempatan yg dilahirkan di negara ini” ialah contoh kelewahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
unbelieving | adj tdk percaya: her expression showed that she was puzzled and ~, air mukanya menunjukkan bahawa dia kehairanan dan tdk percaya; Galileo asserted to an ~ world that the planets revolve around the sun, Galileo memberikan penegasan kpd dunia yg tdk percaya, bahawa planet beredar mengelilingi matahari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
declaration | n 1. act, a. (of proclaiming) pengisytiharan: the ~ of war on neighbouring states, pengisytiharan perang ke atas negara-negara jiran; b. (of announcing) pengisytiharan, pengumuman: the company made a ~ of its profits, syarikat itu membuat pengumuman ttg keuntungannya; c. (of stating emphatically) penegasan: in spite of her ~ that all will be well..., walaupun dia telah membuat penegasan bahawa semuanya akan berjalan dgn lancar...; 2. (of taxable property, goods) pengakuan: custom’s ~, pengakuan kastam; 3. something declared, perisytiharan: the D~ of Rights, Perisytiharan Hak; 4. (leg.) akuan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |