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Kata Terbitan : bertemu, menemui, menemukan, mempertemukan, pertemuan, penemuan, penemu,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

discoveryn 1. act of coming upon for the first time, penemuan: the ~ of radium, penemuan radium; 2. act of finding out, (hal) mendapat tahu ttg: the ~ of the murder, mendapat tahu ttg pembunuhan itu; 3. st that is discovered, penemuan, jumpaan: a scientific ~, penemuan saintifik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ground 1 break fresh ~, membuat penemuan baru: this research breaks fresh ~ in the field of immunology, penyelidikan ini membuat penemuan baru dlm bidang imunologi; cover /much, a lot of, etc/ ~, (fig.) approp v + banyak perkara: the report covered a lot of ~, laporan itu meliputi banyak perkara; the author covered a lot of ~ in his new book, penulis itu membincangkan banyak perkara dlm bukunya yg mutakhir; cut the ~ from under so’s feet, memintasi:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
advertisementn 1. public notice, iklan: to put an ~ in the paper, membubuh iklan dlm surat khabar; ~ charges, bayaran iklan; 2. announcement, pengumuman, mengumumkan: news of the scientific discovery received worldwide ~, berita penemuan saintifik itu diumumkan di seluruh dunia.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
contingentadj (fml) 1. dependent, bergantung: his future is ~ on the result of the election, masa depannya bergantung pd keputusan pilihan raya itu; 2. accidental, secara kebetulan: the discovery of uranium and its ~ advantages, penemuan uranium dan faedahnya yg secara kebetulan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
halon 1. circle of light around moon, sun, halo; 2. circle of light drawn around Christ, saint, gambaran lingkaran cahaya; 3. (fig.) aura of glory etc around so. or st, suasana (+ approp n): the discovery of new documents shattered the ~ of romance surrounding King Arthur, penemuan dokumen-dokumen baru menghancurkan suasana romans yg menyelubungi Raja Arthur; the ~ surrounding kings and queens, suasana kebesaran yg melingkungi raja-raja dan permaisuri.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
amenabilityn 1. always ~ to, responsiveness, sifat [sso] yg mahu + approp v: his ~ to reason, sifatnya yg mahu menerima alasan; 2. willingness to yield, submissiveness, sifat [sso] yg mahu mengalah; 3. usu ~ to, answerableness, tanggungjawab: ~ to justice, tanggungjawab thdp sistem keadilan; 4. ability to withstand testing, tahan uji: the ~ of the discovery to the usual test, penemuan itu tahan uji menurut ujian-ujian yg lazim.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hail 2 vt 1. greet esp with enthusiasm, menyambut dgn sorak-sorai: the new president was ~ed by his supporters as he entered the hall, presiden yg baru itu disambut dgn sorak-sorai oleh penyokong-penyokongnya sebaik sahaja dia masuk ke dewan; 2. acclaim, mengalu-alukan: they ~ed him as the new child hero, mereka mengalu-alukannya sbg pahlawan kanak-kanak yg baru; the new discovery was ~ed as a milestone in modern science, penemuan baru itu dialu-alukan sbg satu detik penting dlm sains moden; 3. attract attention by calling out, memanggil: they ~ed the boat from the jetty, mereka memanggil bot dr jeti itu; 4. signal to stop, menahan: the doorman ~ed the cab, penjaga pintu itu menahan teksi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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