application | n 1. act of, a. (putting to practical use) penerapan: the ~ of a theory, penerapan teori; modern techniques and their ~, teknik moden dan penerapannya; b. (bringing into operation, effect) pengenaan, mengenakan; (of brakes) penekanan, menekan: he protested that the strict ~ of the law would be incongruous in this case, dia memprotes bahawa adalah tdk patut undang-undang dikenakan secara ketat dlm hal ini; the ~ of an embargo, pengenaan embargo; c. (making a request esp in writing) permohonan: an ~ for bail, permohonan utk mengikat jamin; ~ form, borang permohonan; letter of ~, surat permohonan; on ~, apabila dipohon: back numbers are available on ~, keluaran kebelakangan boleh diperoleh apabila dipohon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infusion | 4. incorporation, injection, penanaman; (of ideas etc) penerapan (of new blood), [not translated]: this continuous ~ of capital from overseas kept the industry going, penanaman modal yg berterusan dr luar negeri ini yg membolehkan industri tersebut terus beroperasi; the uncertainty was caused by the ~ of new and radical ideas, rasa bimbang ini disebabkan oleh penerapan gagasan-gagasan baru dan radikal; an old establishment such as this requires an ~ of new blood from time to time, pertubuhan lama spt ini memerlukan orang baru dr semasa ke semasa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circumscription | n (geom) penerapan lilit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |