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Kata Terbitan : menerima, penerimaan, penerima,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

bow1vt 1. bend the head or body, menundukkan: they ~ed their heads in prayer, mereka menundukkan kepala semasa berdoa; 2. express by bowing, tunduk sbg tanda [sst]: the recipient of the award ~ed his thanks, penerima anugerah itu tunduk sbg tanda terima kasih; to ~ o’s consent, tunduk utk menandakan persetujuan; 3. cause to bend, (act.) melenturkan; (pass.) melentur: the gale ~ed the trees, angin kencang melenturkan pohon-pohon itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brake1n (device) brek: disc ~, brek piring; apply the ~s, put the ~s on, a. menekan brek; b. (fig.) menahan + approp n: due to the economic recession the organization has been told to put the ~s on, kerana kemelesetan ekonomi, pertubuhan itu telah diberitahu supaya menahan perbelanjaan; put the ~s on (so., st) menahan (sso, sst): the government must put the ~s on illegal bookmakers, kerajaan mesti menahan kegiatan penerima taruhan haram; to put the ~s on spending, menahan perbelanjaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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