depiction | n (in picture, sculpture, etc) penggambaran, pelukisan: the artist’s ~ of rural beauty in his painting, penggambaran keindahan desa oleh pelukis itu dlm lukisannya; the ~ of violence in today’s novels, penggambaran keganasan dlm novel-novel hari ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delineation | n penggambaran; (of plans, problems) menggariskan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
description | n 1. act of, a. (portraying in words) penggambaran, menggambarkan, pemerian, memerikan; b. (giving an account); penerangan, menerangkan; c. (math), (drawing) pelukisan, melukiskan; 2. statement that describes, gambaran: a ~ of the wanted man was printed on the front page of the newspapers, gambaran orang yg dikehendaki polis itu disiarkan pd muka hadapan akhbar-akhbar; to give a ~ of life in the kampong, memberikan gambaran kehidupan di kampung; 3. sort, kind, jenis: criminals of the worst ~, jenis penjenayah yg paling dahsyat; motorcars of every ~, segala jenis motokar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finish | vi 1. come to an end, a. (of organized event) tamat, berakhir, selesai; (colloq) habis: at what time will the meeting ~?, pukul berapa mesyuarat akan tamat?; the party didn’t ~ until midnight, majlis itu hanya berakhir pd tengah malam; b. (ref to period of time or st regarded as such) tamat, berakhir; (colloq) habis: the academic year ~es in April, tahun akademik berakhir pd bulan April; his contract ~es at the end of the month, kontraknya berakhir hujung bulan ini; c. (of work, activity) selesai; (colloq) habis: the final payment will be made as soon as work on the building ~es, bayaran terakhir akan dibuat sebaik sahaja kerja pembinaan bangunan itu selesai; filming ~ed a few days ago, penggambaran selesai beberapa hari lalu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |