appeal | n 1. earnest request, rayuan: the constant ~s to the public to save water seemed to have little effect, rayuan yg kerap dibuat kpd orang ramai supaya menjimatkan air nampaknya tdk berapa berkesan; 2. attraction, daya /penarik, tarik(an)/: sex ~, daya penarik seks; a film that has ~ for all age groups,filem yg mempunyai daya tarik bagi semua kelompok umur; 3. application for decision, corroboration etc, rayuan: the bowler’s ~ to the umpire was turned down, rayuan pembaling bola golek kpd pengadil ditolak; 4. act of seeking support, pengharapan: their ~ to her sense of justice, pengharapan mereka thdp pendiriannya ttg keadilan; 5. (leg.) rayuan: Court of A~(s), Mahkamah Rayuan; grounds of ~, alasan rayuan; petition of ~, surat rayuan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
landfall | n 1. first sight of land, bertemu daratan: let's hope we make a ~ soon, semoga kita bertemu daratan tdk lama lagi; 2. land reached, tempat ... mendarat: their first ~ after leaving England was the Cape of Good Hope, tempat mereka mula mendarat selepas meninggalkan England ialah Tanjung Pengharapan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |