collector | n 1. one who collects rent, debt, etc, pemungut, pengutip: a tax ~, pemungut cukai; the ticket ~, pemungut tiket; 2. one who collects objects as hobby, pengumpul: a ~ of coins, pengumpul duit syiling. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
debt | n hutang: to settle a ~, menjelaskan hutang; bad ~, hutang lapuk; ~ - collector, /pemungut, pengutip/ hutang; /get, run/ into ~, mula berhutang: he got into ~ while he lived abroad, dia mula berhutang semasa berada di luar negeri; be in ~, berhutang: he was in ~ all his life, dia berhutang sepanjang hidupnya; be in so’s ~, terhutang budi kpd sso: I will always be in your ~ for your kindness, saya sentiasa terhutang budi atas kebaikan hatimu; be out of ~, (ter)lepas drpd hutang; owe so. a ~ of gratitude, terhutang budi kpd sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |