exaction | n (fml) 1. act of demanding money etc, penuntutan, menuntut; 2. st demanded, tuntutan: the ~s of the tax-collector, tuntutan-tuntutan pemungut cukai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assertion | n 1. positive statement, kenyataan (yg) tegas: his ~ of innocence was disbelieved, kenyataannya yg tegas ttg kejujurannya tdk dipercayai; 2. act of, a. maintaining defending in words, pernyataan, penegasan; (right) tuntutan, penuntutan: the ~ of ownership, penegasan hak milik; b. demonstrating the existence of, memperlihatkan, menunjukkan: the ~ of control, memperlihatkan kekuasaan; c. declaring positively, forcefully, penegasan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |