abomination | n 1. detestation, kebencian, perasaan benci; hold st in ~, membenci, benci akan; 2. Detestable act, habit etc, approp n + (yg) keji: accused of ~s, dituduh melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan keji; an ~ before God, sst yg keji di sisi Tuhan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
despicable | adj 1. (of person) bersifat /hina, keji/: a ~ character, orang yg bersifat keji; 2. (of deed, behaviour, etc) keji, hina: a ~ act, perbuatan yg keji. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depravity | n 1. depraved state, kehinaan: sunk in ~, tenggelam dlm kehinaan; 2. depraved act, perbuatan yg /hina, keji/: guilty of depravities, bersalah krn melakukan perbuatan yg hina. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ignoble | adj (despicable) keji, hina; (shameful, base, humiliating) memalukan: he tried to use the situation for his own ~ purpose, dia mencuba mempergunakan keadaan utk memenuhi tujuannya yg hina; an ~ deed, perbuatan yg hina; an ~ defeat, kekalahan yg memalukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dirty | adj 1. unclean, kotor: his ~ clothes, pakaiannya yg kotor; 2. likely to defile with dirt, mengotorkan: repairing cars is a ~ job, membaiki kereta merupakan pekerjaan yg mengotorkan; 3. obscene, lucah, kotor: a ~ joke, jenaka yg lucah; 4. (colloq) mean, sordid, keji, hina: that was a ~ thing to do, itu satu perbuatan yg keji; his accomplice did the ~ work, konconya melakukan kerja-kerja keji itu; do the ~ on so., menganiaya sso; 5. ill-gotten, haram: ~ money, wang haram; 6. expressing anger, marah: a ~ look, pandangan marah; 7. rough, stormy, bercuaca buruk: a ~ night, malam yg bercuaca buruk; 8. (of colour) kotor: a ~ green, warna hijau kotor; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
black | 7. (of coffee) tanpa susu: I’ll have my coffee ~, saya mahu kopi tanpa susu; ~ coffee, kopi /O, kosong, tanpa susu/; 8. gloomy, a. (of outlook, future) gelap: the future looks ~, masa depan kelihatan gelap; b. (of mood, day, etc) muram: it’s a ~ day for them, hari itu hari yg muram bagi mereka; 9. marked by misfortune, desolation, ruin, hitam: ~ areas of unemployment, kawasan hitam pengangguran; 10. resentful, hostile, marah: give so. ~ looks, memandang sso dgn marah; 11. wicked, hateful, jahat, keji: a ~ deed, perbuatan jahat; a ~ heart, hati jahat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |