tasty | adj 1. flavourful, perisa: the roast meat was really ~, daging panggang itu betul-betul perisa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flavouring | n (bahan) perisa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tasteless | adj 1. flavourless,hambar, tdk perisa: the sauce was ~, sos itu hambar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flavour | n 1. (natural, innate) rasa; (added) perisa: French cheeses all have their own ~, semua keju Perancis mempunyai rasa yg tersendiri; the cake had a vanilla ~, kek itu berperisa vanila; 2. (fig.) bau: the story has a romantic ~, cerita itu berbau asmara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pistachio | n 1. (tree) pokok pistasio; 2. also pistachio nut, kacang pistasio; 3. (flavour) perisa pistasio. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delicate | 3. easily broken, getas, mudah pecah: ~ crystal glasses, gelas kristal yg mudah pecah; 4. easily injured, bruised, torn, etc, mudah rosak: ~ plants, tumbuhan mudah rosak; the wings of butterflies are ~, sayap kupu-kupu mudah rosak; 5. (of colour, tone) lembut: a ~ shade of blue, warna biru lembut; 6. (of flavour, taste) manis: fresh meat has a more ~ flavour, daging segar lebih manis rasanya; 7. (of food) not trongly flavoured, tdk terlalu perisa: an invalid needs ~ food, orang yg sakit memerlukan makanan yg tdk terlalu perisa; ~ dishes, hidangan yg tdk terlalu perisa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
nutty | adj 1. abundant in nuts, banyak kacang: ~ chocolate, coklat yg banyak kacang; 2. tasting like nuts, kacang: the drink has a ~ flavour, minuman itu mempunyai perisa kacang; 3. (sl) crazy, gila, sewel: I think you are ~, saya fikir kamu gila; be ~ /about, over/, see NUTS (be nuts /about, over/). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
locally | adv (in this area) di sini, di tempat ini; (in that area) di sana, di tempat itu: much interest was taken in the contest ~, peraduan itu telah mendapat sambutan hangat di sini; juice from the pandan leaves is used ~ to flavour cakes, air daun pandan digunakan di sini utk menambah perisa kuih-muih; there are no buses ~, di sana tdk ada bas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
little | determiner & pron a. a small amount, sedikit (saja); (of hope, chance) tipis: the newly-weds had very ~ money to spend on their honeymoon, pengantin baru itu mempunyai wang yg sedikit saja utk berbelanja semasa berbulan madu; a ~ wine will add flavour to the gravy, sedikit wain akan memberi perisa pd kuah itu; there was a lot of food at the party but I could only eat a ~, banyak makanan di majlis itu, tetapi saya hanya lalu makan sedikit saja; I have ~ hope of getting the job, harapan saya tipis utk mendapat pekerjaan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |