manufacture | n 1. production of goods in factory, perkilangan, pembuatan: these firms are engaged in the ~ of pocket calculators, firma ini terlibat dlm perkilangan mesin kira saku; the ~ and export of microchips, perkilangan dan pen | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
languish | vi 1. lose vitality, become weaker, menjadi lembap; (of plants) menjadi layu: for sometime now manufacturing has ~ed, sejak kebelakangan ini perkilangan menjadi lembap; after he left, the conversation ~ed, selepas dia pergi, perbualan menjadi lembap; the flowers ~ed in the heat, bunga menjadi layu di tengah panas; 2. pine for so., st, berasa rindu: to ~ for love and sympathy, berasa rindu akan kasih dan simpati; 3. suffer deprivation, menderita: he was left to ~ in prison, dia dibiarkan menderita di dlm penjara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
languish | vi 1. lose vitality, become weaker, menjadi lembap; (of plants) menjadi layu: for sometime now manufacturing has ~ed, sejak kebelakangan ini perkilangan menjadi lembap; after he left, the conversation ~ed, selepas dia pergi, perbualan menjadi lembap; the flowers ~ed in the heat, bunga menjadi layu di tengah panas; 2. pine for so., st, berasa rindu: to ~ for love and sympathy, berasa rindu akan kasih dan simpati; 3. suffer deprivation, menderita: he was left to ~ in prison, dia dibiarkan menderita di dlm penjara; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
combination lock | combine n 1. group of persons, companies, etc joined or acting together, gabungan + approp n: a large manufacturing ~, gabungan syarikat perkilangan yg besar; 2. combine harvester, mesin penuai kombin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
see 1 | b. (of place, period of time) menyaksikan: the fields of Flanders have ~n so much death and destruction, padang Flanders telah banyak menyaksikan penumpahan darah dan kebinasaan; the nineteenth century saw the rapid development of the manufacturing industries, kurun kesembilan belas menyaksikan perkembangan pesat industri perkilangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
look-out | n 1. person who watches for danger, pengawal: the ship’s ~ alerted the crew to the rocks ahead, pengawal kapal memberi amaran kpd anak kapal bahawa ada batu di hadapan; 2. point from which a watch is kept, tempat /berkawal, pengawal/: from the ~ we could see for miles, dr tempat berkawal itu, kami dapat melihat berbatu-batu jauhnya; /pos, menara/ /peninjau, pengawal/; 3. (colloq) probable course of events, masa depan: it’s a very bad ~ for the manufacturing industry at present, masa depan industri perkilangan cukup gelap pd masa kini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |