copartnership | n (system of having copartners) perkongsian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eye | with o’s ~s open, with full awareness, dgn penuh kesedaran: you went into the partnership with your ~s open, didn’t you?, kamu mengadakan perkongsian itu dgn penuh kesedaran, bukan?; vt memandang, memperhatikan: she ~d me with suspicion, dia memandang saya dgn penuh syak wasangka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dissolve | vi 1. melt, liquefy, (me)larut: the substance ~s in water, bahan ini larut dlm air; 2. break up, come to an end, bubar: Parliament ~s at the end of the week, Parlimen bubar pd hujung minggu; the partnership ~d after a few years, perkongsian itu bubar selepas beberapa tahun; 3. vanish, hilang, lenyap; (from sight) hilang dr penglihatan: the sea ~d in a thick fog, laut itu hilang dr penglihatan dlm kabut tebal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |