Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

integraladj 1. essential and cannot be left out, perlu, penting: public transport is an ~ part of urban planning, pengangkutan awam ialah perkara yg perlu dlm perancangan bandar; an ~ part of a machine, bahagian mesin yg perlu; 2. (math) kamiran: ~ constraint, kekangan kamiran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
essentialn 1. st extremely necessary or important, approp n + yg perlu: he regards money as an ~, dia menganggap wang sbg sesuatu yg perlu; we only had enough money to furnish the room with the bare ~s, kami hanya ada wang yg cukup utk melengkapi bilik itu dgn perabot yg perlu sahaja; 2. fundamental principle, asas: the ~s of English grammar, asas-asas tatabahasa Inggeris.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
essentialadj 1. (extremely important) penting; (very necessary), (sangat) perlu: it is ~ that the targets we set are realistic, adalah penting bahawa matlamat yg kita tetapkan realistik; oxygen is ~ to human life, oksigen adalah perlu utk kehidupan manusia; experience is ~ for this position, pengalaman adalah perlu utk jawatan ini; 2. basic, fundamental, asas, pokok: an ~ feature of the literary works of that period, ciri asas karya-karya sastera zaman itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
essentiallyadv 1. basically, pd /dasarnya, asasnya/: he is ~ a kind-hearted, generous man, pd dasarnya dia baik hati dan pemurah; 2. necessarily, perlu: “Do I have to go?” “Not ~”, “Mestikah saya pergi?” “Tidak perlu”.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hurryn 1. haste, tergesa-gesa, terburu-buru, bergegas(-gegas): in his ~ to leave, he left his bag behind, dlm tergesa-gesa hendak pergi, dia tertinggal begnya; what’s your ~?, mengapa tergesa-gesa?; 2. need for haste, perlu /tergesa-gesa, terburu-buru/: there’s no ~, tdk perlu tergesa-gesa;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brush1~ up, membaiki: he needs to ~ up his English, dia perlu membaiki bahasa Inggerisnya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
arm1n 1. (of man) lengan; 2. forelimb of vertebrate, tangan; 3. sleeve, lengan baju: the ~s need shortening, lengan baju itu perlu dipendekkan; 4. armrest of chair etc, tempat letak tangan, tangan-tangan, kelek-kelek(an); 5. st thought to resemble an arm, a. long inlet of sea, lake, etc, cabang; b. river fork, cabang; c. projecting part of candelabrum, cabang; d. projecting part of machine, device, etc, lengan: the ~ of a crane, lengan kren; the ~ of the windmill, lengan kincir angin; 6. large branch of tree, dahan; 7. branch, subdivision of organization, cabang: an ~ of the government, cabang kerajaan; 8. power, authority, kuasa: the long ~ of the law, kuasa undang-undang yg luas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
down16. immediately, wang pendahuluan: you are only required to pay $60 ~, kamu hanya perlu membayar wang pendahuluan sebanyak $60; 7. in writing, tulis, catat: I’ve got his phone number ~ somewhere, saya sudah tulis nombor telefonnya entah di mana; 8. scheduled, arranged, dijadualkan: I see that you’re ~ to speak at the meeting, nampaknya kamu dijadualkan berucap di mesyuarat itu; 9. in helpless position or fallen posture, sudah jatuh: to hit a man who is ~, memukul orang yg sudah jatuh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brush1n 1. implement for painting, cleaning, etc, berus: a scrubbing ~, berus penggosok; a clothes ~, berus baju; 2. act of brushing, memberus: your coat needs a ~, kot kamu perlu diberus; give st a ~, memberus sst; 3. a light touch, geselan: she felt the soft ~ of the leaves against her arms, dia terasa geselan lembut daun-daun pd lengannya; 4. (skirmish), (mil) pertempuran kecil; (confrontation) pertembungan: a ~ with enemy troops, pertempuran kecil dgn pihak musuh; it was the boy’s first ~ with the police, itulah pertembungan pertama budak itu dgn polis; 5. bushy tail esp of fox, ekor kembang: 6. (electr) berus;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flush1give st a ~, mencurahkan air ke dlm sst: the drain needs clearing: give it a ~, longkang itu perlu dibersihkan: curahkan air ke dalamnya; in the first ~ of, (semasa) mula mengecap nikmat: in the first ~ of victory hopes were high, semasa mula mengecap nikmat kemenangan, harapan melambung tinggi; in the full ~ of, pd kemuncak: in the full ~ of youth, pd /kemuncak, puncak/ keremajaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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