disorder | n 1. lack of order, disarrangement, (keadaan) berse(le)rak; (of retreating troops) keadaan kelam-kabut: the burglars left the house in a state of ~, perompak-perompak meninggalkan rumah itu dlm keadaan berselerak; 2. breach of peace, commotion, kekacauan: the army was brought in to deal with the ~ in the city, pihak tentera dibawa masuk utk mengatasi kekacauan di bandar raya itu; 3. failure to function properly, gangguan: bowel ~, gangguan usus; digestive ~, gangguan pencernaan; stomach ~, gangguan pd perut; nervous ~, gangguan saraf; mental ~, gangguan mental. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
escape | c. (from influence, control, responsibility, etc) melepaskan diri: he was only too willing to ~ from his father’s domination, dia sangat bersedia utk melepaskan diri drpd kongkongan bapanya; the robbers ~d after receiving a tip-off, perompak-perompak itu melarikan diri setelah mendapat maklumat; 2. avoid, survive (st dangerous or unpleasant) terselamat: two passengers were killed, but the driver ~d with a few bruises, dua penumpang terbunuh, tetapi pemandu itu terselamat dgn mengalami lebam-lebam sedikit; all his comrades were shot, but he managed to ~, semua rakan-rakannya ditembak, tetapi dia terselamat; 3. leak out, keluar: put the plug in so that the water cannot ~, masukkan penyumbat supaya air tdk dapat keluar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guard | n 1. a. person who watches over or protects so., st, pengawal: he was stopped by the ~ on the gate, dia ditahan oleh pengawal yg sedang berjaga di pintu pagar itu; the robbers shot the ~ and grabbed the bags of money, perompak-perompak itu menembak pengawal dan merampas beg-beg yg berisi duit; security ~, pengawal keselamatan; b. (esp US) warder, wadar; c. (UK) officer in charge of a railway train, pengawal; 2. the ~, group of soldiers who guard so. or st, barisan pengawal: the changing of the ~, pertukaran barisan pengawal; 3. the G~s, (UK and some other countries) troops employed to protect the sovereign, Pengawal: the Grenadier G~s, Pengawal Grenadier; 4. a. part of machine etc designed to prevent injury, adang; b. st that protects part of body from injury, pelapik, gad: shin ~, pelapik tulang kering; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flight2 | n pelarian, lari: during their ~ many Vietnamese were killed, semasa pelarian, ramai orang Vietnam terbunuh; his ~ saved him from capture, krn dia lari, dia tdk ditangkap; the ~ of capital, pelarian modal; put so. to ~, menyebabkan sso lari: the fierce dogs will soon put any burglar to ~, anjing-anjing yg garang itu akan menyebabkan mana-mana pencuri pun lari; take (to) ~, lari: the robbers took to ~ when they saw the lights go on, perompak-perompak itu lari apabila melihat lampu dipasang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brigand | n penyamun, perompak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bandit | n penjahat, penyamun, perompak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cracksman | n (old-fashioned) perompak, kawar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gunman | n criminal armed with gun, /penjenayah, perompak/ yg bersenjata api. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
keep | ~ back, (imper) jangan dekat: "~ back!", shouted the robber, brandishing his pistol, "jangan dekat!", teriak perompak itu sambil mengacu-acukan pistolnya; ~ so. back, restrain so. from, menahan sso: the police tried t | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hound | ~ so. down, memburu sso sampai dapat: the police were determined to ~ down the bank robber, pihak polis berazam akan memburu perompak bank itu sampai dapat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |