Maklumat Kata

Carian kata tiada di dalam kamus terkini. Sila rujuk capaian Kamus Dalam Talian ini.
pustaka (kata nama,)
Bahasa Asal :sastera lama
Bersinonim dengan kitab, buku;,
Kata Terbitan : perpustakaan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

besidesadv 1. moreover, lagipun: the show is excellent, and ~ the tickets are inexpensive, pertunjukan itu bagus sekali, lagipun tiketnya tdk mahal; I don’t want to go, ~ I am tired, saya tdk mahu pergi, lagipun saya penat; 2. in addition, di samping: he has written a novel and several short stories ~, dia telah menulis sebuah novel di samping beberapa buah cerpen; 3. otherwise, else, selain itu... + approp n, selain... + approp n: the library has some reference books but very little ~, perpustakaan itu mempunyai beberapa buah buku rujukan, selain itu sedikit sahaja bahan lain or selain beberapa buah buku rujukan, perpustakaan itu mempunyai sedikit sahaja bahan lain;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
atprep 1. (place) di: there’s someone ~ the door, ada orang di pintu; this bus stops ~ the library, bas ini berhenti di perpustakaan; he’s still ~ the party, dia masih di pesta; we’ll meet ~ Lina’s, kita berjumpa di rumah Lina; I bought it ~ Johnson’s, saya membelinya di kedai Johnson; 2. (time) pada [often omitted in colloq speech] (rel to age) semasa: she arrived ~ six o’clock, dia tiba pd pukul enam; this shop is always open ~ night, kedai ini selalu dibuka (pd) malam hari; ~ (the age of) sixty, semasa berumur enam puluh tahun; 3. (cause, source of action) apabila, ketika: ~ a signal from their leader, the students moved forward, apabila pemimpin mereka memberi isyarat, sekalian mahasisiwa itu maju ke depan; ~ the first bell you must stop writing, apabila loceng pertama berbunyi, kamu mesti berhenti menulis;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ambulatoryadj 1. pertaining to walking, berjalan: ~ exercise, senaman berjalan; 2. adapted for walking, utk berjalan; 3. not fixed or stationary, bergerak: an ~ library, perpustakaan bergerak; 4. also ambulant (med) ambulan; 5. (leg.) capable of being changed, revoked, ambulatori: an ~ will, wasiat ambulatori;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
arrangevt 1. put into order, a. (gen) mengatur, menyusun: the chairs were ~d in rows, kerusi-kerusi itu diatur berbaris-baris; to ~ the books in the library, menyusun buku di perpustakaan; the pleats were so ~d that the flaw in the material was hidden, lisu-lisu itu disusun dgn sebegitu rupa sehingga cacat pd kain itu tdk ketara; to ~ a timetable, menyusun jadual waktu; b. (some responsibility etc that needs attention) mengurus: he ~d his business affairs before going abroad, dia mengurus urusan perniagaannya sebelum pergi ke luar negeri; c. (flowers) menggubah, menyusun; d. (hair) mendandan; e. (clothing, part of clothing) membetul-betulkan: she sat down, carefully arranging her skirt, dia duduk dan dgn cermat membetul-betulkan skirtnya; f. (place) menyiapkan: the hall has been ~d for the concert, dewan itu telah disiapkan utk pertunjukan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
furnishvt 1. provide (house etc) with furniture, melengkapi [sst] dgn perabot: she is busy ~ing the new house, dia sibuk melengkapi rumah barunya dgn perabot; 2. equip, melengkapi: to ~ a library with books, melengkapi perpustakaan dgn buku; 3. give, supply, memberikan: she ~ed the right answer to the question, dia memberikan jawapan yg betul kpd soalan itu; he ~es supplies to the army, dia memberikan bekalan kpd tentera;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
changevt 1. alter, transform, mengubah, menukar; (person) mengubah: to ~ o’s mind, mengubah fikiran sso; to ~ o’s habit, mengubah tabiat sso; suddenly, he ~d the subject, tiba-tiba dia menukar tajuk perbualan; 2. substitute, exchange for another, menukar: he has gone to the library to ~ his book, dia ke perpustakaan utk menukar bukunya; to ~ the tyre, menukar tayar; 3. put fresh clothes, covers on, /menyalin, menukar/ + approp n: you have to ~ the baby, kamu terpaksa menyalin lampin bayi itu; 4. alight from and board another, bertukar: to ~ buses, bertukar bas; 5. give, receive (money) a. (in exchange for equivalent sum in smaller denomination) menukar; b. (in exchange for different currency) mengurup, menukar: to ~ his money to francs, mengurup wangnya kpd mata wang franc; 6. (gear) menukar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
boastvt 1. brag, bercakap /besar, berdegar-degar/: he ~ed that he could beat the champion, dia bercakap berdegar-degar bahawa dia dapat mengalahkan juara itu; 2. possess, have st to be proud of, mempunyai [n] (yg menjadi /kemegahannya, kebanggaannya/): the school ~s a fine library, sekolah itu mempunyai perpustakaan yg menjadi kemegahannya; a village that ~s a row of wooden shops, kampung yg mempunyai sederet kedai papan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
forbidvt 1. refuse or not allow, melarang, menegah; (officially) melarang: the law ~s the opening of bars on Sunday, undang-undang melarang bar dibuka pd Hari Ahad; she was ~den to leave the house, dia dilarang drpd meninggalkan rumah; mother forbade us chocolates for fear that our teeth would be ruined, ibu melarang kami memakan coklat krn takut gigi kami rosak; smoking is ~den in the library, dilarang merokok di perpustakaan; 2. prevent, menghalang: my health ~s my travelling overseas, keadaan kesihatan saya menghalang saya drpd melancong ke luar negeri;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
accessn 1. way of approach, entry, jalan masuk; (attrib) masuk: ~ to the village, jalan masuk ke kampung itu; ~ road, jalan masuk; 2. opportunity, means, etc of approaching (so., st) or using (st), [various translations]: to demand ~ to a building, menuntut hak masuk ke sesebuah bangunan; students who are denied ~ to the library, pelajar-pelajar yg tdk diberi kesempatan menggunakan perpustakaan; the only ~ to the professor is through his secretary, satu-satunya jalan menghubungi profesor itu ialah menerusi setiausahanya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
accessionn 1. act of acceding, a. (to the throne) also ~ to the throne, naik ke takhta kerajaan, naik takhta, naiknya [baginda] ke takhta kerajaan: he was only nineteen at the time of his ~ (to the throne) baginda baru berusia sembilan belas tahun pd waktu baginda naik takhta; b. ( to office) menjadi, (mula) memegang jawatan: before his ~ to the post of Vice-Chancellor, sebelum dia menjadi Naib Canselor; c. (to power), (mula) memegang, (mula) ber [kuasa]: after Hitler’s ~ to power, setelah Hitler mula memegang kuasa; 2. (leg.) increase, pertambahan: ~ to property, pertambahan harta; 3. addition, (approp n +) tambahan: a list of new ~s to the library, senarai (bahan bacaan) tambahan baru utk perpustakaan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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