battle | n 1. military, naval engagement, combat, pertempuran: a fierce ~, pertempuran sengit; the B~ of Coral Sea, Pertempuran Laut Coral; 2. fight, physical struggle between two people, pertarungan, pergelutan; 3. struggle, contest, pertarungan; (for a cause) perjuangan: the football match turned into a ~ between the mid-fielders, perlawanan bola sepak itu menjadi pertarungan antara pemain-pemain barisan tengah; the on-going ~ for the control of the company, pertarungan yg masih berterusan utk menguasai syarikat itu; the ~ for freedom of the press, perjuangan utk kebebasan akhbar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
battle royal | n 1. battle involving several combatants, /pertempuran, pertarungan/ besar-besaran; 2. violent argument, /perdebatan, pertengkaran/ /hangat, berapi-api/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
duel | n 1. fight between two persons, (ber)perang /tanding, mendada/, pertarungan, bertarung: he challenged his rival to a ~, dia mencabar lawannya utk berperang tanding; 2. any contest, struggle, perang: a ~ of words, perang mulut; there followed a ~ between the country’s leading newspapers, ekoran itu berlaku perang antara dua drpd akhbar terkemuka negara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
combat | n 1. battle, pertempuran, kombat, bertempur; (attrib) tempur: troops trained for ~, trup yg dilatih utk bertempur; ~ aircraft, pesawat tempur; 2. fight, struggle, pertarungan; single ~, bertarung satu lawan satu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cockpit | n 1. pilot’s compartment or driver’s seat, kokpit; 2. place for cock-fights, gelanggang /sabung, laga/ ayam; 3. arena for any struggle, medan pertarungan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deadly | adj 1. fatal, lethal, (boleh) membawa maut: the poison of the taipan is ~, bisa ular taipan boleh membawa maut; a ~ disease, penyakit yg boleh membawa maut; 2. implacable, a. (of enemy, foe) ketat: ~ enemies, musuh ketat; b. (of feeling) meluap-luap: ~ hatred, kebencian yg meluap-luap; ~ vengeance, dendam kesumat; 3. with aim to kill, destroy, bermati-matian: to be locked in ~ combat, terlibat dlm pertarungan bermati-matian; 4. deathlike, a. (of paleness, pallor) spt mayat: a ~ paleness spread over her features, wajahnya beransur-ansur pucat spt mayat; b. (of silence) sepi; c. (of stillness) sesepi-sepinya; 5. excessive, sangat: he was in ~ haste to leave town, dia sangat tergesa-gesa hendak meninggalkan bandar itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |