intermediate | adj in between, a. (gen) pertengahan: ~ course, kursus pertengahan; b. (of distance) sederhana: ~ range missile, peluru berpandu jarak sederhana; c. (econs) pertengahan; ~ term financing, pembiayaan jangka perte-ngahan; d. (biol) perantaraan: ~ cell, sel perantaraan; e. (geog) antara, antaraan: ~ rocks, batu antaraan; ~ standard time, waktu piawaian antara; f. (chem) perantaraan: ~ compound, sebatian perantaraan; g. (med) perantaraan: ~ host, perumah perantaraan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intermediate frequency | n frekuensi pertengahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
classic | adj klasik: a ~ example of medieval architecture, contoh klasik seni bina Zaman Pertengahan; a ~ case of forgery, kes pemalsuan yg klasik; ~ works of art, karya seni yg klasik; the film is a ~ historical epic, filem itu ialah epik sejarah yg klasik; a ~ evening dress, gaun malam yg klasik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dwelling | n also dwelling place, (old-fashioned or fml) kediaman, tempat tinggal: a simple ~, kediaman yg sederhana; middle income ~s, tempat tinggal golongan pertengahan; ~ - house, rumah kediaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ice | ~ over, (become frozen) menjadi beku; (become covered with ice), /dilitupi, diliputi/ ais: the lake usually ~s over during midwinter, tasik itu selalunya dilitupi ais pd pertengahan musim sejuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
falter | vi 1. be unsteady, hesitant, teragak-agak; (of voice) terputus-putus: he ~ed in the middle of his speech, dia teragak-agak di pertengahan ucapannya; his voice ~ed a little, suaranya terputus-terputus sedikit; 2. stagger, terhuyung-hayang: he ~ed towards the door, dia terhuyung-hayang menuju ke pintu; 3. waver, goyah: he never ~ed in his determination to be rich, dia tdk pernah goyah dr azamnya utk menjadi kaya; her spirits never ~ed, semangatnya tdk pernah goyah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crisis | n 1. time of great danger or difficulty, krisis; (political) kemelut, krisis: he adopted a new life-style as a result of a midlife ~, dia mengamalkan cara hidup baru akibat krisis pertengahan umur; a financial ~, krisis kewangan; the Middle East situation has reached the point of ~, keadaan di Timur Tengah telah sampai ke tahap kemelut; 2. (pathol) saat genting, kemelut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
later | adj 1. coming further down the line, kemudian: we will treat this word in a ~ edition, kami akan mentakrifkan perkataan ini dlm edisi kemudian; 2. the second or last part of a period, pertengahan kedua, akhir kedua: the ~ | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
half-way | adj [various translations ]: the runners were tired and they had not even reached the ~ mark, pelari-pelari itu sudah penat dan mereka belum pun menghabiskan separuh jarak perlumbaan itu; Malacca is the ~ point between these two towns, Melaka terletak di pertengahan jalan antara kedua-dua bandar ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
difficulty | 2. st difficult, kesukaran, kesulitan; (rel to aspects of a language) masalah: difficulties that have to be surmounted, kesukaran-kesukaran yg perlu diatasi; he could not fathom the difficulties of Malay morphology, dia tdk dapat menyelami masalah morfologi bahasa Melayu; got into difficulties, menghadapi kesusahan: the mountaineers got into difficulties about halfway up the mountain, pendaki-pendaki gunung menghadapi kesusahan di pertengahan jalan ke puncak gunung; /make, raise/ difficulties, membantah: the consumers’ association made difficulties when the prices of goods were | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |