inarticulate | adj 1. not able to express os clearly, fluently, tdk pandai /bercakap, bertutur/, tdk petah bercakap: he is a good organiser but rather ~, dia seorang penyelenggara yg cekap tetapi tdk petah bercakap; 2. (of speech, language) tdk jelas; 3. incapable of speech esp under stress, tdk dapat berkata-kata: he was quite ~ with anger, dia tdk dapat berkata-kata rn marah; 4. (zool) not jointed, tak artikulat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
articulate | adj 1. able to express os clearly, fluently, pandai /bercakap, bertutur/, petah berkata-kata: a clever and ~ man, lelaki yg bijak dan pandai bercakap; he was not ~ enough to express his feelings, dia tdk begitu pandai bercakap utk melahirkan perasaannya; 2. having power of speech, dapat /bercakap, bertutur/; 3. distinct, clear, jelas, terang: his speech was not ~, pertuturannya tdk jelas; 4. (biol) artikulat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inarticulateness | n 1. inability to express os clearly, fluently, tdk pandai /bercakap, bertutur/, tdk petah bercakap; 2. (of speech, language) tdk jelas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glib | adj (derog) a. (of person) speaking fluently but is often not sincere, petah (lidah), pandai berkata-kata: he is far too ~ a talker, dia sangat pandai berkata-kata; b. (of remark, arguments, excuses, etc) spoken fluently but often insincerely, lincir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gab | n (colloq) gebang, sembang, borak; have the gift of the ~, a. flair for speaking, /fasih, petah/ lidah: a salesman should have the gift of the ~, jurujual sepatutnya fasih lidah; b. fond of talking, suka bercakap; stop your ~, (sl) tutup mulut kamu!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eloquent | adj 1. skilled in use of language, mahir menggunakan bahasa; (of orator) pandai /berucap, berpidato, bertutur/: he is a very ~ writer, dia pengarang yg sangat mahir menggunakan bahasa; 2. (of person, language ), (fluent) petah, fasih, lancar; (moving) mengharukan, memilukan; (persuasive, forceful) meyakinkan, berkesan: an ~ description of the miserable plight of the refugees, gambaran yg mengharukan ttg kesengsaraan orang-orang pelarian itu; 3. vividly expressive (of st) mencerminkan: her dark, haunted eyes, ~ of the terrors through which she had lived, matanya yg hitam dan penuh kengerian mencerminkan kezaliman yg pernah dilaluinya; 4. full of meaning, bermakna, penuh makna: a single, malevolent glance from his steely blue eyes was more ~ than an hour of Hitler’s mad oratory, kerlingan matanya yg biru waja yg membayangkan niat jahatnya, lebih bermakna drpd sejam penuh pidato gila Hitler. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |