settlement | 3. process of inhabiting a region etc, penempatan (penduduk): land for ~ is readily available, tanah utk penempatan penduduk mudah diperoleh; 4. place so settled, petempatan: small ~s sprang up around these goldmining areas, petempatan-petempatan kecil tumbuh di sekitar kawasan perlombongan emas ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rigorous | adj 1. strict, ketat: ~ discipline, disiplin yg ketat; 2. scrupulous, rapi: ~ book-keeping, simpan kira yg rapi; 3. harsh, severe, azab; (of weather) dahsyat: life was ~ in these early settlements, hidup azab di petempatan-petempatan awal ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dispersed | adj 1. scattered, (ber)selerak: ~ settlement, petempatan selerak; 2. (phys) tersebar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lurk | vi 1. lie in wait, menghendap, terhendap-hendap: a photographer ~ed outside, hoping to snap the couple leaving the restaurant, seorang jurugambar menghendap di luar dgn harapan utk mengambil gambar pasangan tersebut semasa mereka meninggalkan restoran; there were several wild dogs ~ing near the small settlement, beberapa ekor anjing liar terhendap-hendap berdekatan dgn petempatan kecil itu; 2. exist, linger, menanti, menunggu; (in the mind) bermain-main: who knows what dangers ~ in that unexplored region, siapa yg tahu bahaya yg menanti di kawasan yg belum diterokai itu; the fear that he had been wrong was still ~ing at the back of his mind, perasaan takut bahawa dia telah melakukan kesilapan masih bermain-main dlm fikirannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |