bequest | n 1. act of bequeathing, pewasiatan, mewasiatkan, pewarisan; 2. st bequeathed, wasiat, warisan, pusaka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inheritance | n 1. act of inheriting (money, property, title, etc) pewarisan, mewarisi: after his ~ of the estate he sold much of the land, setelah mewarisi harta pusaka itu dia menjual sebahagian besar tanah tersebut; the title is his by ~, dia mewarisi gelaran itu; 2. st inherited, warisan; (money, property), (harta) warisan, (harta) pusaka: within a year of his father’s death, he had spent all his ~, dlm masa setahun selepas kematian bapanya, dia telah membelanjakan semua harta warisannya; cultural ~, warisan budaya; genetic ~ warisan genetik; /come into, take possession of/ o’s ~, mewarisi harta sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
descent | n 1. act of descending, turun: the ~ of the mountain took 3 hours, utk turun dr gunung itu mengambil masa tiga jam; he was injured in a parachute ~, dia tercedera semasa turun dgn payung terjun; 2. slope, cerun: the ~ is too steep, cerun itu terlalu curam; 3. ancestry, keturunan: of Indian ~, dr keturunan India; matrilineal ~, keturunan nasab ibu; 4. decline, kejatuhan: the family’s ~ from wealth to poverty, kejatuhan keluarga itu drpd kaya menjadi miskin; 5. sudden attack, serangan (yg) /mengejut, tiba-tiba/; 6. sudden arrival, kunjungan yg /mengejut, tiba-tiba/; 7. transmission (of property, title) pewarisan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |