contention | n (fml) 1. (debate) perdebatan; (angry disagreement) perbalahan: there was much ~ over the new law, terdapat banyak perbalahan ttg undang-undang yg baru itu; 2. point advanced in argument, pendapat: his ~ was that the amendments were unnecessary, mengikut pendapatnya, pindaan-pindaan itu tdk perlu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amendment | n 1. act of a. (correcting) pembetulan: the document needs no ~, dokumen itu tdk memerlukan pembetulan; b. (revising, altering legislation etc) pemindaan; 2. result of amending, pindaan: to second an ~, menyokong pindaan; to move an ~, menyarankan pindaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
simplify | these alterations in design will ~ the manufacturing process, pindaan dr segi reka bentuk akan memudahkan proses perkilangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
modulation | n (of voice, tone) meninggirendahkan; (in music) pindaan nada. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
change | n 1. alteration, transformation, perubahan; (in timetable, schedule, etc) pindaan: the ~ in attitude, perubahan sikap; to be afraid of ~, takut akan perubahan; the editor would like to make some ~s in the text, editor hendak membuat beberapa perubahan pd teks itu; social ~, perubahan sosial; 2. substitution of one thing for another, pertukaran: to ask for a ~ of venue, meminta pertukaran tempat pertemuan; a ~ of address, pertukaran alamat; 3. money in smaller denomination, /duit, wang/ /kecil, pecah, tukar/: can you give me ~ for a ten-dollar note?, bolehkah kamu beri saya duit kecil sepuluh dolar?; 4. balance of money, (duit) baki; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
immediately | the states most ~ affected by the amendments to the act, negeri-negeri yg langsung menerima kesan pindaan akta itu; b. being nearest in time, (used with “after”, “on”) sebaik sahaja; (used with “preceeding”, “before”) betul-betul: ~ after the game, sebaik saja perlawanan tamat; the events ~ preceeding the assassination, peristiwa-peristiwa yg berlaku betul-betul sebelum pembunuhan itu; c. being nearest in space, betul-betul: their apartment is ~ below mine, pangsapuri mereka betul-betul di bawah pangsapuri saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
negative | vt 1. reject, veto, menolak: they ~d the amendment, mereka menolak pindaan itu; 2. disprove, menyangkal: my experience ~s this theory, pengalaman saya menyangkal teori ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
pending | adj 1. waiting to be decided, settled, belum selesai: the amendments to the constitution are ~, kerja membuat pindaan pd perlembagaan tersebut masih belum selesai; the case is still ~, kes itu masih belum selesai; 2. about to happen, imminent, akan + approp v tdk lama lagi: a collapse in the economy is ~, kejatuhan ekonomi akan berlaku tdk lama lagi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alteration | n 1. act of altering, pemindaan, pengubahan; (of course) pengubahan: the ~ of the plan caused much confusion, pemindaan rancangan itu banyak menimbulkan kekeliruan; 2. result of altering, pindaan; (when subj is not specified) perubahan: to charge five ringgit for ~s to a dress, mengenakan bayaran lima ringgit bagi pindaan baju; there isn’t much ~ in the organisation, tdk banyak perubahan dlm organisasi itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
wedge | the thin end of the ~, perkara kecil yg boleh menimbulkan bantahan: this alteration to the censorship laws is the thin end of the ~, pindaan kpd undang-undang penapisan ini ialah perkara kecil yg boleh menimbulkan bantahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |