dump | vt 1. a. throw down carelessly, mencampakkan (sahaja): the porter ~ed the bags on the platform, porter itu mencampakkan sahaja beg-beg ke atas platform; b. unload in a mass, melambakkan, melonggokkan: the man ~ed the coal in the backyard, pekerja itu melambakkan batu arang di belakang rumah; 2. a. throw away, membuang: it is forbidden to ~ rubbish here, dilarang membuang sampah di sini; b. abandon (st) irresponsibly, meninggalkan: the getaway car was found ~ed in a back alley, kereta yg digunakan utk melarikan diri itu dijumpai ditinggalkan di lorong belakang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
balcony | n 1. balustraded platform, beranda, langkan; 2. gallery, galeri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
balconied | adj 1. having balustraded platform, berberanda, berlangkan; 2. having gallery, bergaleri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gallery | n 1. covered passageway, serambi, gajah menyusu; 2. raised platform extended from interior walls of room etc, galeri: you may sit in the public ~, kamu boleh duduk di galeri utk orang awam; 3. (theat) a. uppermost tier where cheapest seats are placed, galeri; b. audience sitting here, penonton di galeri: a standing ovation from the ~, penonton di galeri berdiri utk bertepuk; play to the ~, mencuba mengambil hati para penonton; 4. long, narrow room, broad corridor, galeri: a shooting ~, galeri menembak; paintings are hung in the ~, catan-catan tergantung di galeri; 5. room, building used for exhibiting works of art, balai: art ~, balai seni lukis; 6. underground passage in a mine, kolong. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grit | ~ o’s teeth, a. /mengetapkan, menggetapkan/ gigi sso: every time his wife makes that comment, he ~s his teeth in annoyance, setiap kali isterinya membuat komen itu, dia mengetapkan gigi krn marah; b. (fig.), /mencekalkan, menguatkan/ hati: he just ~ted his teeth and jumped from the platform, dia mencekalkan hati lalu terjun dr pelantar itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
float | n 1. st that floats or enables so., st to float, a. (attached to fishing-line or net) pelampung; b. (used in swimming) pelampung; c. (used to regulate the level of water etc in a cistern) apungan; d. (allowing aircraft to float on water) apungan; 2. low-wheeled platform used in a parade, kereta berhias: there were some beautifully designed ~s in the procession, terdapat kereta-kereta berhias yg direka indah dlm perarakan itu; 3. milk float, van susu; 4. (drink) flot: give me a strawberry ~, bagi saya flot strawberi; 5. sum of money to provide change, apungan: our bus conductors usually start work with a ~ of ten pounds in small change, konduktor bas kami selalunya mula bekerja dgn apungan duit tukar sebanyak sepuluh paun; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
landing | n 1. act of coming or bringing aircraft etc down to the ground, pendaratan, mendarat: the small plane made an emergency ~ on one of the island’s airstrips, kapal terbang kecil itu membuat pendaratan kecemasan di salah sebuah pangkalan terbang di pulau itu; 2. (a military operation) arrival of troops, pendaratan: the enemy made several ~s on the coast, pihak musuh membuat beberapa pendaratan di pantai; 3. also landing place, small platform from where boats etc take on or off cargo, people, pangkalan: along the river you’ll find a few ~ places, di sepanjang sungai itu kamu akan menemui beberapa buah pangkalan; 4. level area at the top of or between two flights of stairs, /pelantar, anjung/ tangga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
battery | n 1. series of connected cells for producing electricity, bateri; 2. set, series of things, a. (arranged together) deret(an): a ~ of knives, deretan pisau; a ~ of boilers, deretan dandang; b. (used together) deretan, barisan: she was nervous as she faced the ~ of cameras, dia berasa gemuruh sewaktu berhadapan dgn deretan kamera; c. (occurring together) rentetan: he responded to the ~ of questions with curt answers, dia menjawab rentetan soalan itu dgn singkat; 3. (leg.) menyerang sentuh; 4. (platform on which guns are mounted) bateri, penyangga meriam; 5. artillery unit, bateri, pasukan meriam; 6. (series of cages for rearing of poultry) sangkar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |