Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

escortn 1. person accompanying another socially, teman: he was her ~ to the ball, dialah temannya ke majlis tari-menari itu; 2. a. person accompanying so. or st, pengiring: a police ~, polis pengiring; b. group of persons accompanying so. or st, pasukan pengiring: an ~ of soldiers accompanied the general, jeneral itu diiringi oleh sepasukan askar pengiring; under police ~, diiringi polis; c. group of ships or aircraft accompanying st, /kapal, kapal terbang/pengiring; 3. so. paid to go out socially with another, teman sosial: an ~ agency, agensi teman sosial;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
badgen 1. lencana: a policeman’s ~, lencana polis; school ~, lencana sekolah; 2. (fig.) lambang, simbol, tanda: chains are a ~ of slavery, belenggu merupakan lambang pengabdian.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cornervt 1. trap, a. mengepung: the police ~ed the fugitive, polis mengepung orang buruan itu; b. (fig.) membuat [sso] berasa tersepit: the prosecutor’s question ~ed him, soalan pendakwa itu membuat dia berasa tersepit; 2. (econ) memonopoli pasaran: the firm ~ed the sugar market, firma itu memonopoli pasaran gulaKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ejectvt 1. drive or force out, mengusir, menghalau: the police ~ed the demonstrators from the assembly, polis mengusir penunjuk-penunjuk perasaan dr perhimpunan itu; they were ~ed because they had no tickets, mereka diusir krn mereka tdk ada tiket; 2. dismiss from office, memecat: he was ~ed as chairman, dia dipecat dr jawatan pengerusi; 3. emit, memancutkan: the volcano ~ed molten lava and ash, gunung berapi itu memancutkan lava leburan dan abu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
drumvt 1. sound by drumming, menggendangkan: the police band ~med the rhythm for the march, pancaragam polis menggendangkan rentak perbarisan itu; 2. make drum-like sound, menggendang: he ~med the table, dia menggendang meja;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bafflevt 1. confound, (act.) membingungkan; (pass.) kebingungan, bingung: the case ~d the police, kes itu membingungkan polis; he was ~d by the girl’s aggressive attitude, dia kebingungan oleh sikap agresif gadis itu; ~ (all) description, tdk /terperikan, tergambarkan/; ~ the imagination, tdk /terbayangkan, tergambarkan/ dlm fikiran; ~ the intelligence, membingungkan; 2. impede, menyekat: walls that ~ sound, dinding-dinding yg menyekat bunyi; 3. frustrate, (act.) mengecewakan, menggagalkan; (pass.) kecewa, gagal: they were ~d in all their efforts, mereka kecewa dlm segala usaha mereka;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
interrogatevt 1. question formally and thoroughly, usu for a long time, menyoal siasat, memisit: the police are interrogating the suspect, polis sedang menyoal siasat orang yg disyaki; 2. question closely, banyak menyoal: don’t start interrogating him when he gets home, jangan pula banyak menyoalnya apabila dia pulang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
disintermentn (fml) 1. act of exhuming, menggali keluar: the ~ of bodies by the police, pihak polis menggali keluar mayat-mayat itu; 2. st disinterred, hasil penggalian.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
disguisevt 1. conceal identity of, (act.) menyamarkan; (pass.) menyamar: /i>the policewoman ~d herself as a prostitute, polis wanita itu menyamarkan dirinya sbg pelacur; the rebels were ~d as farmers, pemberontak-pemberontak itu menyamar sbg petani; 2. conceal, menyembunyikan: he was not able to ~ his sorrow, dia tdk dapat menyembunyikan kesedihannya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blottern 1. blotting paper, kertas /sap, pedap, lap/; 2. (US) temporary recording-book, buku catatan: police ~, buku catatan polis.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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